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Everything posted by Alexia

  1. Opus goto http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=324 There are thousands of kotor mods there and the white robe is quite popular.
  2. Any ideas when that will be?
  3. I like it but I prefer my elite white jedi robe mod. Check it out. EDIT: Bastila has the elite purple jedi robe
  4. ok whatever. Im not a star wars nut case but I know a fair bit about it.
  5. Jeez cant you people grow up? I make a simple error and you nitpick at it for weeks. I know now its Naga Sadow. Anyways Ill be going for Sith Lord dark side (obviously)
  6. Thats who I ment. Got it the wrong way around.
  7. That depends how dark and evil you are doesnt it?
  8. Its also the outstanding job James Earl Jones does with vaders voice. He is the best sith in ANH and EMP he's a bit of a wuss in ROTJ.
  9. LOL I knew you would pick palpatine. I chose vader as he killed the emperor.
  10. Yes he counts but I reached the maximum amount of poll options.
  11. I can only add 10 and thats what I have.
  12. Not in my case, I made the mistake of "talking" to him in the apartment. <_< Carth (and by extension Zaalbar) are the reason I REALLY hope NPCs are optional in KotOR2:TSL. Well you dont have much choice in talking to him as he wakes you up. I would have killed him there and then if I could, I was having a nice dream too. :angry:
  13. So you liked him up until you stepped out of your apartment on Taris for the first time then?
  14. All men are an endangered species. Us girls will rule the world :D
  15. Force choke in real life that would be cool. I would use it on all the guys that hit on me. And force persuede on on the gay girls
  16. The endings were rather bland in my opinion.
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