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About Quantics

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  1. FWIW it's working fine on my 2014 MBP (though performance leaves much to be desired). Posting this here in case it helps the devs find the issue.
  2. Can you post a link to his SA post? https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3856099&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=14#post483866770
  3. Short answer is no. Launcher is needed now to perform patching on the fly. Or something like that anyway
  4. Thanks ! Might be a silly question but, is it possible to NOT use the Launcher at all (just like we used to have to do before)? It's actually quite a hassle to have to install mono/etc. on Mac.
  5. Finally ! All the changes that were teased so far sound interesting. I might start another play through when TWM2 comes out.
  6. Josh said somewhere that it is not going to happen for the WM2 or patch 3.00, but it's definitely something they're considering for a potential sequel.
  7. Really? That's nice. Been one of my pet peeves since the Beta.
  8. Awesome, thanks for listening to us. This is going to make things much easier for everybody.
  9. I played the game fully. Twice. On a mac. Had a very enjoyable experience. Didn't have any game-breaking bug, except the double-click equip bug pre-patch 2.0
  10. This is really a non-issue imo: - The expansion doesn't end on a cliffhanger at all. Plus there's a reasonable amount of content in it. - You can buy the two parts for a discounted price now (https://www.paradoxplaza.com/pillars-of-eternity-the-white-march-expansion-pass), so it's not going to cost you more than if PART1 and PART2 had been released together.
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