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Pious D'Cathcart

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About Pious D'Cathcart

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Exeter, Devon
  • Interests
    Star Wars... funny that. I also enjoy the radio (I'm a presenter on Xpression FM), sleeping, jedi related activities (http://www.exewars.co.uk), and some other stuff. One day I'll update this!
  1. Don't forget that the Jedi are always cutting bits of people in the movies. Normally just arms, etc. of droids but there are a few instances when limbs are accidentally... misplaced!
  2. It's funny that last month we all joked "maybe there holding it for the release of Episode III" It's a shame that a) we weren't joking that it would be that long, and b) the film has been, but the patch hasn't. I've rapidly lost faith in LucasArts but I'm holding judgement of Obsidian until I see some other games from them.
  3. Just checked out ATI.com and it seems that catalyst 5.5 is out which amongst other things fixes: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: Setting the graphic option in the Catalyst
  4. I'm going to play it again as soon as the patch is out as I've only played it once as DS. I was going to play it as LS but thought I'd wait for the bug patch, then the announcement came that the videos would be added in 2 or 3 days so i thought i'd wait! When it arrives I'll probably wait for Catalyst 5.5 and then maybe I'll be able to play the way I should have been able to 4 months ago!
  5. lol I think the main problem is that a lot of people couldn't actually play the game and realise what a kick as$ game it was! I loved it, but hated the ending... nb. Love the avatar Naso
  6. Were you asking a simple question that the 'search' button could solve?? Oh i forgot, you're not going on these forums anymore... nevermind!
  7. And if you look at that large list of "unsupported" stuff, then you'll notice that none of them are games
  8. Just on the other topic about "who would work for obsidian now" - I believe the company that recently went bust that did the 'Thief' series (can't remember the dev now) has all of it's sacked stuff going over to Obsidian.
  9. In the words of Towelie from South Park: "I've no idea what's going on"
  10. I'll definitley be replaying the game once the music, etc gets put back in. I found a few mods around the place that fixed a few other misc issues that annoyed me as well. Just need Catalyst 5.5 to fix issues with KOTOR2 and I'll be away!
  11. I have a strange bit of curiousity in me now that wants to see someone get raped by a Hutt....... As for Dantooine, if you have an ATI card, you can install the catalyst 4.7 drivers that work fine - it's due partly to crappy openGL support apparently! It fixed my game anyway!
  12. I highly doubt that the patch managed to knock out windows...... You probably had some dodgy drivers somewhere else that triggered it.
  13. Damn it! It would seem that few days is longer than most peoples perception of 'a few days'. It's annoying as this is going to turn into another vicious circle where we spend hours ripping apart the meaning of 'soon' until we realise that it actually meant 5 weeks of complaining.....
  14. Weekdays don't count either........ Only the 29th of Feb counts... so it won't be long!
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