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Hildegard last won the day on March 11 2012

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About Hildegard

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist

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    Antemurale Christianitatis

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  1. I hope they will focus the show on a gay elf and a vegan dwarf, to show their struggles in every day middle-earth so we as viewers learn more about diversity and tolerance in real life.
  2. So basically a Saudi intelligence officer aided the 9/11 hijackers and the news hits low or nonexistent interest in the media and thus the public. Wonder what the scenario would have been if that was an Iranian or Iraqi intelligence officer. Oh wait...
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/BryanDeanWright/status/1426710333264179214?fbclid=IwAR3SMiZc-BDn9qptqLqroL860f0O1hwLyQQipFF0p5N4Xm9-mDzSiOUy4aE Hihihi
  4. As it turn out in the last 70 years it is better to have an ally such as Italy in a World War than the US.
  5. Nothing tastes better than tears of English fans. Thank you Italy! Balance to the universe restored
  6. How haven't you seen violence? It was brutal and pretty clear they planned to blow up the capital if SWAT teams didn't come swooping in. https://youtu.be/nCyHbN-i9PE
  7. These events reminded me, can someone please explain to me why aren't there any major BLM protests for some time now? They got all their demands fulfilled or what?
  8. Can some please clarify why are almost all states able to count all of their votes but those who are tightly contested for some reason can't? Some like 80% counted in day, but the rest of 20% needs like three days to count? In some areas suddenly floods, in other areas ' hey counters, take it easy, go home and rest, no hurry here'. In other places they are returning ballots to be filled out properly because allegedly they are not. 40 000 votes can't be counted in one day because they have only 5 scanners for the ballots and don't have enough space to bring in more? What the hell?
  9. Those killings happened out of what number of police interventions? What is the number of people wrongly killed by the police in comparison to all the killings done by common people? The answers proclaim your statistics as selective 'progressive' propaganda.
  10. Like immediate defunding of police and reinvestment into education, social services and community business opportunities would immediately result in a decrease of violence and crime. It's a long term process that would last for many years if it were successful. Budget cuts and decrease of capacity of law enforcement would probably result in the inability of law enforcement to adequately respond to violent crimes in progress. Also, it's funny the argument defund the police and reinvest into the community like there is absolutely no funds in the US budget for both.
  11. Jeez. I wasn't aware this was a usual weekend in Chicago since you have to dig up info this even happened. If they disbanded the police things should improve.
  12. If the attackers were white and store owners black thou Don Lemon would be screaming for 7 days in a row about yet another racist attacks. This just ain't.
  13. https://twitter.com/MuradGazdiev/status/1268206979723546625?s=20 In what city are these esteemed protesters fighting for racial equality? Anyone know?
  14. Arming the American people to overthrow the evil bigot and racist in the WH! All similarities with Syria are purely coincidental
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