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Everything posted by Faray

  1. Now that adventure 5 is out, this is relevant. 2 locations that stand out are the Shimmering Veils of Pride and the Vault of Greed. Both these have effects when you acquire a card and this may cause undesirable results, especially if the card isn't worth while. For example in the Vault of Greed a potion came up that I was guaranteed to get, and would have forced me to banish my loot wand of enervation if I didn't forfeit the scenario then and there. Please add a feature to let us fail boon checks that we don't want.
  2. Snakeskin Tunic: Doesn't add my ranged bonus when I use it in a combat check. This really only affects harsk (I don't think anyone else gets dex: ranged) Venomus Dagger + 2 can't be used on creatures immune to poison. Although this sounds right, it doesn't have the keyword posion on the card, and unless you recharge or discard it, the poison effect isn't added. The Flaming Mace + 1 for example won't give the bonus to fire (Like at the location that adds +1d8) in this same sense.
  3. Yeah I see the wild card powers recycling a bit now too. That being said what the op got is one of the easier sets. It's annoying, but since you have to acquire the boon for it to proc anyway you really aren't losing any extra cards... just either the new card or something else in exchange to keep the card.
  4. 1) General: Merisel’s black market bonus was added when recharging the Codex. I haven't had tried it on other items. (Not exclusive to AP4 but since you don't get this until after AP3) 2) 4.1 if I fail the check against the boss and have 0 cards in my hand the game crashes. I had to reset and drop a lot of blessings to try and pass the check. I did, but then I had to do the check a second time. When I failed it that time the game went on fine. 3)4.1 Heroic: When a player fights a monster to trigger the dragon, the player can not do any before encounter effects (Such as evading) nor do any effects on the original monster take effect. (This happenes cosistantly) 4)4.2 When fighting The Black Monk at the Courtyard if you fail the dex or acro 10 check you don’t take any damage. Your con check is auto rolled with nothing you can modify for it. The rest of the combat check worked fine. 5)4.5 When I failed the before you act check against Mokmurian and had to bury 1d6 then reset my hand, it ended my turn and placed Mokmurian back on top of the deck. 1 and 3 have happened multiple times, the others I only had them happen once but I only had it come up once.
  5. The problem is, everything Harsk earns off those 1d4+1s on other characters combat checks, he gobbles back up in party resources during his own combat checks. Unlike other location agnostic support characters like Ezren or Sajan, he has no way to buff his own damage dice and with only a d8 he chews up a lot of party blessing on higher difficulty monsters. Sajan does need his own blessing sometimes, but he always recharges them on his own combat rolls, which gives him unrivalled flexibility. And I dunno how you can call his rolls swingy when Harsks is rolling a d8 to his d10 You are forgetting Harsk has a +3 bonus to ranged combat. That means although he rolls a weaker die, he will end up doing more damage on average. Sajan has no inital bonuses (and doesn't use weapons early on either) so his rolls are going to be very random. When you throw blessings in then sure the higher dice starts to get better, but I don't use blessings on combat checks often unless they are very dangerous. I find that Harsk holds his own with anyway, and rarely needs outside help due to his nice bonus to ranged. Of course theres plenty of different playstyles for this game, so where Sajan may fit yours, I feel he's weak for how I play.
  6. I disagree with Harsk being weak. His ability to add 1d4+bonus to a combat check from any location he's not at is very helpful early on when everyone is separated. He also has the best Con score in the game. His scouting ability isn't bad either, allowing you to see what's next. Kyra and Sajan get my votes. Kyra is great at healing, but you don't need that much healing. Shes meh at everything else other than a d12 wisdom die, but Lini is better over all with d10 + d4 (Animal) Sajan does have a lot of blessings, but he's greedy with them (Needs them to be somewhat viable in combat) and his damage roles are too swingy (Nothing like 1,1,2,3 on 4d10s)
  7. With Amiri's power I should be able to move to an empty location, and then at the end of her turn, move to another location. However once I move to an empty location, anything I push will just end her turn. This is a real pain for legendary mode when you can only move to adjacent locations.
  8. Same issues, turning off effects doesn't help much. If I have my phone being charged by my comp while playing it still drains battery life.
  9. I know your past the very beginning, but did you modify your starting decks? Even the starting cards can be improved with better starting cards (For example some chars have a short sword which is just weaker than a long sword that you can get at the start) How are you doing your skill feats? I find the first early ones are best used to improve your combat stat. As for power feats it depends, but I like to get anyone with 4 cards up to a 5 card hand limit, and go from there. Some advice for who you are using: Fighter- If you have multiple weapons in your hand, don't be afraid to discard them during a combat check. The fighter recharges them, so you don't lose them and it allows you to cycle your deck quicker. You want to make sure you keep one in hand however. Paladin- Here power to discard a card to add 1d6 is one of the best abilities in the game. Don't be afraid to use it often, as she has a lot of blessings, and they get recharged. If you are running low on time, using her crusade ability (Examine the top card, put on bottom if boon) is a good way to catch up on time. Cleric- Cure spells are better than her power because her heal power cost you a turn (No free explore). That being said it's still better than dying. I try to balance her with some attack spells, and some cures. Mage- There isn't a mage, but I'm going to guess you mean Wizard. You want to take him to places that have spells, so he can take advantage of his multiple explores. Most of his spells should be attack spells, and maybe a detect magic (Unless you get augury which is a great exploration spell) The wizard is the only person with a high int score, so going to locations with a lot of items is good as well since if there are lots of potions he can get them. Rogue- Don't be afraid to put her at dangerous locations, she can evade almost every card (There are only a few that you can't evade) Shes great in spots with a lot of barriers since most require dex and that's her specalitly. Keep her by herself, and use backstab every chance you get (another great cycling option).
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