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About resonancecascade

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  1. My first impression: the large number of area of effect spells is going to take some getting used to -- especially the ones that damage everyone (not just hostiles). There were certainly a lot of these spells in BG/Icewind Dale, but so far PoE seems to have really taken it up a notch or five. Anyway, that's neither a negative nor a positive so far, just something I noticed. Definitely gives combat a different dynamic than the IE games had.
  2. I've noticed that when I hover over a character's selection circle, their portrait doesn't blink to immediately signify who I'm pointing at. It's not a huge deal, obviously, since the character's name pops up after a second, but it's one of those nice polishy things that the IE games did to make it as obvious as possible which character I'm looking at. Comes in handy during tense battles when every millisecond counts. Hope I'm being clear enough on what I'm requesting; it's been a long day.
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