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Everything posted by Hunter_of_Chaos

  1. not all Jedi do a "vanishing act" ,from what i know only Jedi Masters who are completely at peace and in balance with the force completely disappear as their bodies become one with it just as their spirits do. So I guess Qui Gon was not at that stage yet...
  2. I wouldnt call the Jedi Masters in KOTOR "fools" just because they advised caution and patience. Look what happened in the Prequel Episodes. There we have a completely opposite situation: The Jedi Council gives its support to the Republic without hesitation. Jedi take the roles of Republic Generals and leaders fighting in he front lines. In my opinion during the Clone Wars the Jedi entangled themselves in war so heavily that their connection to the Force started weakening. Jedi are not normaly allowed to have any military rank. And each Jedi is told in the very begining how his\her loyalties should look: 1. To the Force 2. To the Council 3. To the Republic 4. To Himself In THAT order Revan probably knew(before the Mandalorian Wars) that by disobeying the Council he will save the Republic , but rip apart the order. Still the Jedi Council should have decided to act more quickly, that would at least prevent secetion, but we dont know if it wouldnt cause something much worse.
  3. Kowro Dolko :ph34r: with my middle name and using three letters from last name: Kozwro -Ja Dolkoz
  4. Well... i didnt hate Vrook. To me he seems like a "cold" ,"everything must be done by the book" Jedi. I remember hearing somewhere in KOTOR 2 that he became this way because he saw the death of such an enormous number of Jedi during the war. And when he speaks with you after you get hm out of that force "cage" he is partially right saying that you need to act with more responsibility. Still that doesent justify the way he acts completely. Yes a jedi needs to be cool and calm but Vrook takes this too far.
  5. Just to say something in the defense of Vrook ... no. From what I have gathered from KotOR I, he would have had Revan rot in a cell instead of setting him on a new mission to re-discover the Star Forge. He was the only one who actually opposed to Revan being (re-)trained as a Jedi ... he would never have given Revan a second chance, unlike the others. I think that Master Vandar Tokare (the Yoda-looking Jedi Master from KotOR I) could always overrule Vrook's opposition. But now, with Vandar lost on Katarr, Vrook runs loose ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Umm if this is true than i dont know how Vrook is a Jedi... When there is at least a small chance for the redemption of a fallen Jedi a Jedi Master always gives him that chance. (Jedi forgiveness anyone?)
  6. :'( Why did i click on the link and listen....why? now i wont be able to stand the in-game music i can imagine how it would be SO much better to have that quality music in-game
  7. I dont know if this is a bug, but no matter who is at the work bench i can only beak anything up for 1 component, even with Bao Dur. My main character has 0 in repair so maybe the bug causes the game to always use the main characters stats instead of the person at the work bench
  8. But still... Redemption IS one of the more importaint themes of SW The way I interpert Yodas line is: if you let the dark side corrupt you ,you will always have its dark mark on your past and on who you are, you will always remember all the evil you have done, and guilt will always torment you IF you even escape the dark sides grasp.
  9. I doubt she even has the apple , i'd say she only has a piece just like everyone else. And i doubt anyone ever will get the whole apple. No matter how long someone will spend studying the Force he\she will only have a piece in the end.
  10. The Jedi and the Sith are not the only two "Force philosophies" in the SW Universe, There are many other force sensitive groups in the galaxy (Baran-Do for example) It is said that the force is not something that can be given one single definition. And it is also said that although there are many definitions of the force ,neither one of them is the most proper one. There are only more popular ones (Jedi,Sith) and less popular ones, and all of them are true, since each of them describes the force from a different perspective...
  11. Here is an amusing glich i encountered: Kreia: To keep you safe I have multiplied Exile: two Masters are better than one
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