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About Tehellet

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker
  1. Why would this Yuuzhang Vong ship have such a large role in the game when it was mentioned once in passing by Canderous. That whole story was a nod to the EU. Nothing more.
  2. May I suggest a lightsaber sports jacket, with matching lightsaber tracksuit bottoms too?
  3. Oh man I hope that's not how it sounds, if Sion is THE Dark Lord of the Sith and not one of the lower Sith Lords then this game just went down a couple of notches of interest due to lousy looking main villain. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ya i hope he is just a minoir sith lord <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Have some faith. At this point we know next to nothing about his character.
  4. I was confused about that, too. You mean Scout. Not scoundrel. And that second option is gross. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its all part of growing up.
  5. From what I've seen Obsidian are on the right track, lots of interesting characters on the way. Nice. Maybe if KOTOR had not eliminated the Malak/starforge threat or had ended the game on some sort of cliffhanger, ((from which the sequel could pick up from)) they could have developed a direct series, like say
  6. Nah, seriously man, good call.
  7. If we are going to discuss this new character, I would just like to point out that i was the first one to suggest that he might be a new character pretty much everyone didn't believe me but eventually i was proved right. So i would like a little recognition. This is the thread. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well done.
  8. Every man who grew up in the 1980s or 1970s has done that. Even the ones that won't admit it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I assumed he meant an imaginary ****, not an actual imaginary lightsaber.
  9. Character wise he was clich
  10. Thats not the point. Would it really make you feel better about yourself to see a solitary token minority in a game?
  11. Isn't it a little pedantic to insist that there be a token NPC for every sex/race/religion/sexual preference included in a game? These days people are less concerned with equality and more engrossed in meaningless tokenisms.
  12. The sith master of the korriban academy who's name I forget.
  13. A little early to be making judgements isn't it? The key is defining his character, avoiding the clich
  14. Is it at all likely that a film adaptation would be made?
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