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I Roll 20

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Everything posted by I Roll 20

  1. After watching the latest video here, the "Firegiants" theme keep playing in my head.
  2. Yea, his rogue is standing under the tree, smoking, I presume. Also his characters moved away from the enemies, ohh the attacks of opportunities there for the beetles. Also Adam need reminding to switch to melee. Maybe it was all intentional.
  3. I just hope those floating text can be more clear(like really stand out!) and will stay longer, I am an Asian so my English is poor and I read slow.
  4. I've seen the video and the poison is probably just too much for poor Brandon. And it was on easy. As for the armor designs, I've only seen a few, some are OK, some are weird but overall they are not too fantastical. Which is great. Somebody mentioned LotR and here I want to add that I like the designs on "13th Warrior" and "Kingdom of Heaven" and I think that designs should stick to movies like these.
  5. Does those head light up the pillows when they lie down in bed?
  6. It was pitched as the spiritual successor to the IE games, with "the IE feel" the top design goal. So to answer your question, yes, this is very much The Nostalgia Game. Let's Pray that it stay true to that.
  7. I don't know why bother with animation at all. Anyway I wish I can see the gameplay videos of the bettle and the ogre.
  8. The wood beetle poisoned him and he failed to get aggro with his fighter (wearing much better looking gear) so he got ganged up on by two poison spewing wood beetles. I assume Josh was busy talking about the game and forgot to heal Brandon or something?
  9. I can't determine if that Coastal Amauna is a monkey or a bird So please tell me what happened? How did Brandon die to a bettle? What was Josh doing? Did the bettle drop a shell? How far were they in the game that they have face such terrible monsters like ogres? These monster have special abilities? Tell us more, don't just say, "lol! brandon's dead".
  10. I was going to ask that person before you to roll for initiative because the thread is being derailed with everyone speaking about their dice. Anyone has any pictures of creatures/monsters other those on Update 82?
  11. Yes, repetitive is the word for DA:O combat, so bad that I didn't bother with DA2. That's my last post for today, I'm limited to just 5 only
  12. One question, are the designs final? I don't like the black smoke stuff that seeping out of his "shell", or whatever you called that already.
  13. Great news, this game just keep sounding better. Mushroom man :D, this is just another encounter that can give a lot of problems to the unsuspecting player.
  14. I just joined. I couldn't resist. I've been looking at this game for the past few months and I, being a fan of the Infinity Engine, I just love what you've shown me. However, I'd like to know more about encounters and almost every interviews(there was one that lasted 8 pages and didn't ask the this burning question that I have) or gameplay demos, dpn't speak about the variety of monsters that we will encounter. One of the best things about BG(and Icewind Dale) is the variety or enemies you'll encounter. Till this day I remember my first encounter with a basilisk. They can kill you in just a round. Then there are beholders, ilithids, level draining vampires and we're not even speaking of boss encounters like Kangaxx yet. Unlike Dragon Age, where all you have to do is just hit the attack button, all these encounters require a different approach, so can we expect the same with Pillars of Eternity?
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