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Guard Dog

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Posts posted by Guard Dog

  1. I was discussing generalities. My statement do not and were not intended to encapsulate every individual player. By an large the numbers prove me right.

    I apologize; I didn't mean to sound so confrontational. It's just that so many older gamers blame younger ones for the trend of "dumbing down" games. It's kind of like that chauvinistic stuff some gamers pull on women, like they don't know enough to play well. (I'm sorry, I've just encountered both in the past.)


    I've read similar statements in these very forums. And, I'll say what you didn't it is a pile of garbage to even suggest it. 'Younger" players do not dumb down games any more than "older" ones have the reverse effect. I'd be a little put off by the suggestion too. Not where I was going. Devlopers target age groups, true enough but KOTOR 2 was meant for a broad appeal. Here is a great example of what i'm trying to get at. Neverwinter Nights has absolutley nothing for the gameplay crowd. Animations, graphic interface, game pace are all pretty poor. But it has a big cowd of rabid RPG fans that love it because it is so moddable, replayable, and totally story driven. The additions of the toolset ensures there will always be new games to play. Thats the different outlooks to KOTOR 2 I was trying to get at. NWN has very few players under 20. Not because it is or isn't dumbed down, just that it takes a different taste to enjoy it.

  2. There are many, mainly younger (teenage xbox) players who love this game based solely on the fighting and gameplay. For the most part they clicked through the dialouge and did not notice or care about the inconsistencies of the story. For the real RPG fans (mainly 20-30 something PC) players, this game was a real heartbreaker.

    Wait...I'm not 20 yet, therefore I'm not a real cRPG fan. Nevermind that I've been playing Baldur's Gate, Fallout, et al. since I was 12. Oh my, I've become a conundrum!


    I was discussing generalities. My statement do not and were not intended to encapsulate every individual player. By an large the numbers prove me right.

  3. I think that both games where the bomb i think that you are crazy i dont now what the hell your talking about. I guess to get the full fun of the game you need to take time away from the story and just mess around i explore the games possibeltys but i really dont get how you can not like these games.


    Thank you for proving both of my points.

  4. Don't get me wrong. It was not my intention to bait Xboxers or in any way denigrate those who like this game solely for the game play. If that is what you like then great, it has a lot of good stuff for you. But I have been reading these boards for a while now and by HUGE margins, the RPG crowd was not happy with it and the gameplay crowd are. We are almost like Republicans and Democrats, we look at the same thing two different ways and cannot understand why the other dislikes/likes what we see. And at times there is a lot of acrimony between us. I'm an RPG fan and I made my opinion of this game clear.

  5. Oh, and what was the point of Darth Nihilus?  He's on like every picture for the game, yet you never really see him, and I whipped the crap out of him in like 6 seconds.  It's just like, that's it?


    I just think the game needed more time, and should have been more carefully planned out...


    It was an incomplete, rushed out game. It had an absolutely brilliant concept that was poorly excecuted. What was done well was done very very well, what was incomplete was a steaming pile of ..... There are many, mainly younger (teenage xbox) players who love this game based solely on the fighting and gameplay. For the most part they clicked through the dialouge and did not notice or care about the inconsistencies of the story. For the real RPG fans (mainly 20-30 something PC) players, this game was a real heartbreaker. So close to real magnificence on the scale of Baldurs Gate and Planescape, but in the end so terribly weak and far from it. And that is soley because it was unfinished.

  6. Even after Telos and the Polar Academy, I still can't get my light saber finished. I'm either missing the lense fixture or the battery fixture. I've cheated the game by completing the 1st part of the Dantoine, (JA Sublevel & Crystal Cave) and then moving off to the Smuglers Moon. How soon have you all been able to get yours working. I've seen screen shots where the PCs are weilding  lighsabers in the corridors of the Harbinger, am I missing something?!?


    There is a mod on pcgamemods.com thats puts a simple blue lightsaber on Peragus. I've used it and it does not change anything in the game but it is a little unbalancing. In all likelyhood that is how you saw screenshots of sabres on the Harbinger.

  7. My best hope would be for a partial restoration of ending content in some less-than-complete form (some things, like custom animations for the purpose of the scenes, are presumably not something fans can restore) by modders.  This might be text-only for some parts, or include voice for parts which permit it.  It seems the most probable solution.


    Something akin to Platter's Planescape: Torment Restoration Pack.



    Thanks YST, I did not have that. I was thinking of replaying PST too....

  8. I should clarify the context in which this was posted: he was responding to a "bash post" about kotor2 in the nwn2 forums; so it was a post on a game the forums aren't about (that's what we have this thread for :p ).  For those that are interested here's the link to the full thread from which I copy-pasted.


    Hi all. I am the one who posted the original message in the NWN2 forums that got Brian Lawson so defensive. Allow me to preface this next statement by saying that my main gaming interest is NWN but I do lurk here from time to time. My intention was not to make a hit post on KOTOR2, that was not the forum for it. But I wanted to get the message accross that what they did with KOTOR2, regardless of whose "fault" is was was dead wrong. And I am not just talking about the cut ending. There are a number of sequences in KOTOR2 that were predicated on a past event that was cut, or building to an event that was cut. That makes the story disjointed. Like the G0T0/remote sequnce on Malachor. Or the now undamaged Ebon Hawk flying in from... somewhere to rescue you at the end. You get the idea. As I stated in my post, if you need to make cuts, cut all of a sequence, not just the ending or beginning. If they could not close the game they way the wanted, the whole ending should have been redone, not just cut and pasted with what they had. Regardless of LA's role in what is tantamount to an act of sabatoge on this game, OE could have and should have done much better with the time they had.


    The message I wanted to get accross was, for NWN2 we expect better from them. If they release another half finshed game, we will not support with our dollars. Don't get me wrong. I want to buy NWN2, I want it to be as good as I think they can make it. The only thing that worries me is that no one at OE will admit even obliquely that KOTOR2 is seriously flawed. If you cannot even acknowledge something is wrong, there is no reason to believe your next effort will be better.


    For the record, I think with KOTOR2 we are like an unwanted dog abandoned in the woods. We are just starting to realize, OE and LA are not coming back for us. I think for KOTOR2 it is too late. For NWN2 it is not. That was the idea behind my post there.

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