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Guard Dog

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Posts posted by Guard Dog

  1. A little background on me. I served in the USMC from 1989-1995. During that time I participated in a number of actions including Desert Shield/Storm. With that said, there are two things stated here I agree with wholeheartedly.


    First, barring an event with the scope of WW2 a draft is the absolute worst thing that could be done to the USA and it's military. It would erode public support without which no war effort could succeed be it just or unjust, necassary or needless.


    Second, it would fill the ranks of the armed service with unmotivated, undisciplined people. It would drag down performance and be devastating for morale. Bad morale is a cancer. It kills a unit slowly from within. One could argue the US military today is the most effective fighting force in the history of man. The reason why is not just the technological advancement, its the professionalisim and espirit-de-corps of the soldiers, airmen, sailor and marines.


    It will never happen. Not without a major confontation with a major world power and I think WW2 was the last of the great wars. I spent my entire military career training to fight against Soviet tactics. Never once had to face them.


    Two more things. Sorry Raven, women cannot be drafted. Draftees are nearly always sent into the army for a 2 year stint in the infantry. Second, when we left Kuwait in 1991 we ALL thought "We'll be back". By not finishing off Iraq then, Bush 1 left us with another war to fight. Whatever you think of Bush 2 and Iraq, right or wrong, the war MUST be won. Or 10 years from now we'll be back there again.

  2. I'm curious, how do some of our Canadian members feel about Quebecs nationalist aspiriations? Quebec is the industrial heart of Canada and I wonder if they ever did break away how well the remainder of Canada would survive. Also is language really at the root of the issue? I live in South Florida and there have been a number of attempts to make Spanish the official language for local governments particularly in Dade (Miami) County. I always point to the situation in Canada as an example of why this is a bad thing. When one group/region/political entity begins to divorce itself culturally from the whole, national identity will be inevitably lost and a schisim is only a matter of time.


    It's a little different in Canada because the French heretige in Quebec predates the nation itself whereas the spanish influx in South Florida is a relatively recent thing historicly speaking.

  3. For you, you mean.  That does not make it so, so don't act like it.  Even still, that does not make its life worthless, though you seem to think such.  Tell you what, I have an idea.  Since that's what you think, let's just go ahead and start killing off all lower forms of animal life, like invertebrates.  After all, they don't have a life, do they?  While we're at it, let's not worry anymore about cutting down trees.  After all, they aren't thinking beings like you and I.  Right?  That makes it okay.


    It is ok to kill trees and animals when necassary. my house is made of wood and I'm no vegetarian. It is wrong to do these things recklessly or wantonly because even plant and animal life have value. But if Sand asserts that life begins at cognition (which in a human higher brain functions begin to kick in arounf 9-14 months) Then he is equating human infants with animals. Somehow Sand i don't think you meant that.


    BTW Sand, check out my post 237. i answered some points you made last night.

  4. well can it breathe and eat at four weeks? I'm saying if the sucker can't breath eat and expel waste without help of machines then it's not alive.


    Fair enough, but to continue to play devils advocate here, if a woman decides to abort in the last trimester, the fetus is now fully viable and can eat and breathe unassisted in most cases. It is still legal to kill the child via abortion at that point. But if she waits another week or two, gives birth and then throws the baby out a window it becomes murder. What is the difference between the two then? Why does a late term babys life have no value when a post birth babys life does whrn they are in nearly the same state of development. Does that sound like a double standard to you?

  5. [other than that of a lump of flesh that could not survive on its own for twenty seconds or less.... depending upon it's state of maturity.


    I might also make the same argument about an infant. It too is utterly helpless on it's own. When do you think a human life becomes alive? For me, it's the moment brain activity begins which is 4 weeks after conception if I remeber correctly. But you never answered my original question. Outside of religous teachings, does human life have value?

  6. Unfortunatly our leaders, in an attempt to retain power, are pushing to have more christian based laws... the abortion laws for example, have absolutly no basis in health or well being other than that of the fetus, but the church objects to it so we made several laws governing the practice and people have attempted to get it outlawed several times.


    I have to take issue with you here Calax. I posted my thoughts on this issue earlier so you already know I think abortion is wrong but should not be illegal. But you stated that other than the fetus no ones health or welfare is harmed by abortion. Should the fetus not get some consideration? It is by definition alive. Dosen't human life have sanctity irrespective of religous teachings? As Di pointed out, murder was illegal in most all societies even before Moses came down from the mount. If life were worthless, why is murder wrong? Just trying to give you a different angle to think about.

  7. Then you'd have to ban all religious courses from schools.  All religious study groups from public schools, etc.  All wearing of religious symbols and such.  Not to mention any celebration of Christmas, Halloween, etc.  And no learning of about other religions as well, as taks pointed out.


    Heck Moth, that IS happening. Just last month a high school football coach in Live Oak FL was fired for leading a prayer on the sideline for an injured player. Someone in the stands took offence at seeing high school students praying at a school function and either was a lawyer or hired a lawyer and went after the principal and the coach.


    Reading back on this thread you have been called, Bilbe Boy, Fundie, and a few other nasty derrogatory terms by a few posters. When did Christian become a four letter word? What is it about that religion that raises so much ire? I am proud to call myself a Christian and I insult no one and hold malice towards none. Why is it those who do not believe in it, it is simply not enough to not believe themselves. They cannot suffer others to believe it. Case in point, Michael Newdow in San Francisco. It is not enough for him to just be an atheist. He cannot sleep at night knowing school children are acknowldging the existance of God when the say the Pledge of Alligence in the morning.


    Even Sand, who seems like a pretty reasonable guy gets upset at the very notion of teaching I.D. in school as an alternate theory of the origins of life. No one of any intelligence can deny the process of evolution. And the theory that man and apes may have had a common ancestor has merit. But no evolutionary chain from single cell organisims to higher forms of life has ever been established. That is the basis of the theory of Irreducible Complexity upon which I.D. is based as Sand correctly points out. He says it has been discreditied and is is derided by the scientific community at large as relying on the old "God-of-the-Gaps" idea. But, IMHOP that is simply a straw man argument. The Avida artificial life program at MSU has gone a long way towards proving I.C. and it is not universally rejected. "Mainstream" science reacts violently whenever an idea arises that challenges what it believes to be canon. Clarence Darrow argued that in the Scopes trial in 1924 that laid the way for evolution to be taught in schools to begin with.


    The point I was coming to before getting sidetracked was that I'm finding more and more hostility to christian beliefs in society and even here on this board. Right now the topic is treated with scorn, but hate usually follows scorn. And after hate comes gunshots.

  8. Agreed, Di, it just seems that the majority of Republicans have policies of the issues I care about most that are repugnant to me.  Breaking separation of church and state is a major no-no in my book.


    Just curious Sand, where did you ever see the Repubs violating the establishment clause? It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". If you were referring to introducing intelligent design in text books it was to be taught in addition to evolution. Not to the exclusion. And I just searched www.house.gov using the terms "intelligent design". There are no and have been no bills about it. Is there another one I missed?

  9. Perhaps I am not libertarian, because I do not feel that foreign aid should be stopped, particularly in the moment of a disaster.


    Those are my views but many fall right in line with the party platform. A political party really is just a collection of people who have similar beliefs. The democrat party is not socialist but there are socialists in the party because they find common ground with the party philosophy. Ditto with the Christian Right and the Republicans. Not every LP member agrees with me on every isse but we ALL agree in a strict and literal interprtation of the framers intent and letter when it comes to the role of the US government is American society and the world.


    Check it out for yourself here: www.lp.org

  10. THe party I'd probably vote for would be Republican, because I'm right wing economically, but I'm far left socially.  Which I guess would make me a libertarian.


    And I am not against homosexuality, abortion, nor non-marital sex.


    I am a card carrying, registered voting member of the US Libertarian party. I even ran for a seat in the Florida State House in 1996 when I got out of the military (don't ask how that went!). We are big believers in the 10th Amendment. The words Gay, Abortion, or Marriage do not appear in the US Constitution, therefore should never be uttered by any US government official. That is purely a State issue. If South Dakota wants to ban abortion, that is their business. If California votes to allow gay marriage, good for them. But don't be mad if Tennessee does not. You get the picture.


    Personally I believe in a totally free society. My religous convictions tell me abortion is wrong and I would never condone anyone having one. At the same time, it is not my place to tell anyone they can or cannot. Nor is it anyone elses. If you want to smoke dope, that should be your business and not a legal problem. At the same time, if the company you work for fires you for it, that is their business. You knew they administered drug tests when you lit up.


    A Libertarian society would be a free one but not an easy one. No welfare. Yep, you can work or not as you please but do not expect the government to hand you a check to stay home. If you will not work you must live on the charity of others.


    At the same time, no Federal income tax. That is right. The US constitution provides ample means for the Federal Governement to fund itself without taxing it's citizens. As to state taxes. That will depend on what programs the voters want in their states. If California wants socialisim, California can fund it. Don't ask Florida for help.


    US forgien policy would be simple. All US troops in non treatied forgien commitments (i.e. not NATO or UN) would be redeployed to the US. Also, all US forgien aid to any non western hemisphere country would come to a screeching halt. Tsunamis, floods, earthquake? We'll look after our own and ask the rest of the world to do the same. If another country seeks war with the United States, we would give it to them with all of the power at our command, and when it is over we would leave. No more Marshall plans, no more nation building. The military is no good at it anyway. I saw that first hand in 1992-93.


    So that is Libertarianism. Anyone interested? I am.

  11. Oh you know, the good old republican ways, beating up gays, giving your boy a gun at birth, invading all sorts of nations, being a good christian with a traditional family, like Pastor Ted Haggard, you know, all that ****!  :joy:  :aiee:  :bat:





    Heh! No actually I am far more worried about State rights vs Federal rigths (Kelo v New London ring a bell). Individual freedoms, like firearm ownership for example. Crippling business growth with punative taxation. Trying to assault the First amendment with their "Fairness Doctrine". And the biggest American tradition of all, smaller governement. Not that the Repubs are any better. One is growing the government slowly, one wants to do it quickly. Like I said eariler, it's the lesser of two evils.


    As for Dem socialisim, last time they were in power they tired to nationalize 1/7th of the US economy. QED!


    What we need is a libertarian government that will restore the Monroe doctrine to US forigen policy. And an immediate cessetion of ALL US aid to any non-western hemisphere country. So vote for me in 2008! :D

  12. Looks like Dems won the House and may yet get the Senate. It's going to be a long two years. But after two years of their unique blend of American socialisim, massive tax increases, and nasty condescending attitude towards all things traditionally American, the voters will show them the door in 2008. Just like in 1996.

  13. So lets see, this year I got to choose between a Republican Party who could not lead a drunk to a bar, or a band of raving communists who took over the Democratic Party in 2000. Ugh! I voted republican top to bottom but felt like I needed to take a shower afterwards. Once again choosing the lesser of two evils.

  14. I wonder, is it really fair to compare NWN2 to NWN as it is today? I mean, NWN 1.69 is a hell of a long way removed from 1.0. For example, after 5 years we have unlockable cameras, ridable horses, CEP, etc, etc, etc, etc. All of which were done by modders or Bioware keeping up with modders. If there are aspects about the game you don't like, just wait a bit. Bugs? They'll be fixed. Heck the game has aready had a patch so we are off to a great start. With the exceptions of new animations (going to be hard to get around that one) there will be haks and overrides aplenty within the coming weeks. Don't sweat the reviews of beta versions, or early concerns about charachter gen. Just buy the game. Like I told someone else once, you can blow $50 US on three pitchers of beer and an order of hot wings and not get half as much enjoyment out of it.

  15. "No matter who makes it LucasArts will still be involved and the ARE the problem."


    LOL Yeah, a 'problem' that hands developers a guaranteed multi million dollar hit. LOL The 'problem'. Without LA, there'd be no KOTOR or KOTOR2. LOL



    "the difficulty with KOTOR 3, really, is that it will effectively go toe-to-toe with the Mass Effect trilogy."


    It be no contest. KOTOR3 would CRUSH  ME in terms of sales. CRUSH.


    LA is a problem because their post-release support is nil. They throw games over the fence and never mind whatever bugs they may have. The average number of patches on Atari games is 3. On LA it'a .97.

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