WARNING! contains spoilers if you haven't beat kotor 2 as dark side.
hmm, ended up kinda long...
here's a synopsis of a star wars rpg game i'm running with some friends who haven't played kotor. this takes place after the events of my "main" game of kotor 2.
now i like darth sion. he's probably my favorite character in the star wars u. with that in mind, i think he got the short end of the stick...
before the events of kotor 2, while in meditation, sion is visted by the old sith spirits. the spirits alert him that he, as well as nihilus, will face a powerful foe ( the exile) in combat in the near future, and when they will face the foe. nihilus will be first, and then foe will face sion. sion will not be able to defeat the foe, yet, but the dark side has plans for him. (sion references something similar to this late in k2, about the dark side controlling him.)
the spirits finally tell sion of others who will be the key to defeating the foe/exile. (this is where the pc's come into play.) sion must find them, but he will only be able to do so after he faces the foe.
with this knowledge, sion finds an old sith training droid (hk-46 ) and has it programed to track down the pc's, with a time delayed message for the pc's if it finds them after sion's "death".
unknown to sion, (and vice versa) traya gets a vision about the pc's, and diverts the pc's out of the way to the outer rim during the later half of the jedi civil war, and the initial events of k2.
when the pc's finally get back in the game, so to speak, they start retracing the exiles steps (i focused on the dark side path through nar shadaa to start.) the pcs notice something is following them, which is the hk-46 droid. it tells them its been sent to watch over them and train them, being vague on specifics. hk 46 tries to nudge the pcs to dark side decisions when possible.
(force sensitive pc's are in the party, so they feel the "disturbance" when nihilus and sion are killed). upon sion's "defeat", hk-46's time delayed message kicks in. the message is sion, cryptically telling the pcs of his foe, and that he knows of them, and their "great" potential. the droid has a light sabre crystal imbued with some of his essence. if the pc's track down the remaining specific light sabre components on korriban, dxun, and a third place i haven't decided yet, they can rebuild his lightsabre.
if the pcs complete the task, they'll prove themselves worthy, and sion will return and train them as his students.
now about sion coming back, boil it down, he's a psionic lich. his will and connection to the force are what keep his body together. and his main power is essentially a flawed reconstitute self (a la the last marvl rpg.) and imho, he's too cool a character. so when his original lightsabre is rebuilt, (a sith lord wouldn't have aquired a few lightsabre trophies over the years?) it acts as a conduit, finally allowing him to come back after his defeat at the hands of the exile.
but he's weak, and actually comes back looking human first. this is why he needs the pc's. he keeps them around as bodyguards of sorts to train them as he regains his strength. he's fulled robed at first (angry that it's not his true form), but over time he starts looking like his old self.
the ultimate goal for sion is to go after the exile (a consular/sith lord) and his apprentice brianna, who've taken up residence on malachor V with a new sith academy.
for all i know, the pc's may not even want to go that far, as i'm trying to keep it relatively open ended, but that's the main plot to the campaign
so...any thoughts, comments?
if the pc's don't want to go the trayas academy route, they stumbled across an artifact on an uncharted planet in the outer rim. if they go back there and investigate, this artifact, or "stargate" :ph34r: will have been corrupted by the dark side, and end up acting as a time portal, allowing them to access later eras in the star wars u. hey, i get bored at work, i have time to think.