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Everything posted by bandua

  1. Ok, I managed to get the game installed from a external DVD-RW I borrowed from my work. Still, I think this issue should be addressed by Atari...
  2. I'm facing exactly the same issue. Has anybody found a workaround? Thanks in advance for any help
  3. You must have frame buffer effects on (advance video options), if your video card supports that feature, that's it.
  4. Would it be possible a RSS Feed from your website? It would be quite useful to see when a new build is up or if there's a new WIP feature...
  5. Looks like KotORIII is getting cancelled before even getting announced: Link
  6. And now you can also use this great mod: Remote Tells Your Influence
  7. You should post this in the tech forum instead. Anyway, take a look at this thread...
  8. Kreia is, by far, the best character in both Kotor and KotorII. Well, in fact, she is the only good character to be seen in both games...
  9. Where the heck did you take that from? Spanish is in no way related to Arabic. It's essentially modern latin, so to speak. Just like Italian, French, Portuguese, Galician, Catalonian and so on.
  10. As long as you don't touch sensitive entries as booleans or quest, there should be no problems with the savegame. Nonetheless remember to backup your savegame before editing it, just in case...
  11. Have you tried it yet? If not, do so. You'll find it's quite simple (even obvious, for that matter!): just browse your savegame and change wathever you wanted to change in the first place. KSE allows you to edit pretty much everything. You can always go to the kse discussion thread at Lucasforums (here) shall you require help. Of course, I'll help you however I can, as well... Thanks for the tip , I'll give it a try, though presently I use to play on my new desktop... no words to describe the difference,graphics wise!
  12. I had to use the 1.0b patch to have the game working on my laptop with a 82852/82855 intel chipset. I've played through the game countless times, and so far I haven't run into any major bug. Just some minor glitches. Expect the performance, however to be quite lame. Regarding mods, don't worry about "safety", all of them are pretty safe... (you may have a problem with one or another, but then just get it out of the Override folder, you should be back to normal). USM is a must, and take a look at this page: 2005 Top Mods Pick
  13. You should post your system specs... in the meanwhile you can try lowering the graphic options (disabling grass, and so on) and see if it helps. Anyway, Kotor2 likes crashing to desktop from time to time...
  14. Glad I was able to help. No reward is necessary. *LS points gained* :D
  15. No, no... you downloaded the wrong tool (well, the wrong tool for what you intend to do, at any rate). You have to use Knights of the Old Republic / Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Savegame Editor (KSE) v3.3.3. Just follow the link above and look for that. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  16. 1- first, make a back up copy of the savegame you intend to change 2- run kse, open your savegame. You must change two entries: portrait and appearance. Change your portrait first, kse allows you to view the available ones (but not the appearance) click "change portrait" and then choose the appearance that matches the code (M=male, C=caucasian, B=black...) and the final number of the portrait you chose. Click "change appearance" and "commit changes" 3- You're done! Remember that, as long as you have a backup copy, you can mess around with your appearance just to get some fun
  17. You'll find more for sure...
  18. Cool thx! I'll check it out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're welcome. By the way, you'll find KSE to be a most useful tool... (God bless tk102!!!)
  19. If you're determined to change your appearance, your can always do it by using the KSE, no need to start a new game...
  20. Don't think the video settings have something to do with it. It happens when I run the game in my laptop whith a crappy intel chipset and the video config rather low, and when I run it in my high end desktop, with the settings maxed out, as well. As far as I know, there is none... (I thought the 1.0b patch would solve it, but...)
  21. Yeah, I play with the same model and I get this glitch many times, not only when wielding two sabers... pretty annoying, but I got used to it... I just don't pay attention to it anymore...
  22. I just thought you should know. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same here. I've been trying all day . However, if you browse the web without loging in, you should be ok...
  23. Yes, you are right... it happens with all the international versions...
  24. [Video] Video Card Name=Intel
  25. I'm running a 82852/82855GM, and I'm willing to try the patch on my notebook, but since I have the spanish version of the game, I guess I still have to wait a bit longer. Because although the front page says that the patch is out for all languages LA says it's coming shortly...(just hope "shortly" means sooner than "soon")
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