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About rune_74

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  1. Please show me the announcement where Obsidian promised that KS backers would get to pre-load their games before anyone else. Really, show me where they said that and I will immediately do a 180 and eat every word I said thus far. Until that, it's all exactly what has been said: People complaining just because they didn't get some nebulous, meaningless treat they were never promised to begin with. Um, I said that people who ordered on steam already get to download...backers do not...did they have to specifically say that you would get the same rights as people who preordered to make some people think it isn't wrong.
  2. Some people voice their disappointment. No matter if it's misguided or not, that's unimportant. At the same time they don't insult other backers. They just talk about their opinions on how the kickstarter campaign and certain issues connected with that are handled. Other people just post constant insults and make fun of other people, belitteling them for being disappointed or having bad feelings. What's better, hm? So much for the sense of superiority... Voicing your disappointment is fine. Like, if someone just said "Aww, I really hoped I could've gotten the pre-loading key already or gotten to play the game early " I might even go "Yeah me too, but oh well it doesn't work that way, no biggie". Or you know, something like that. But some people are acting like whiny little babies, and just stubbornly refusing to grasp the idea that maybe, just maybe it's a little silly to throw a tantrum because you weren't given extra treats you were never promised to begin with? Yeah, I am going to make fun of them. And if this light-hearted mockery truly insults someone, I'm going to assume it's because truth hurts. Is it people asking for more, or is it people asking for what preorders on steam get already? Seriously the mindless(and yes I mean your post) posts white knighting obsidian is ridiculous. They haven't come out like a company that was kickstarted, they have come out like a company who was working for a publisher.
  3. I don't see how it would be a surprise to them that people who backed the game would at least think they would be able to preload it at the same time as those who preorder it on steam...seems a little shortsighted or bad management if they had no idea.
  4. dude relax you sound like an entitled spoilt brat. Sure, I'm not freaking out for your information, even if your post was very small minded. This is not how you treat your backers, the smaller ones do a much better job of this.
  5. I don't think they do really. If they did they would have released a version for backers just before launch. We wouldn't all be sitting here wondering why there are no steam keys...they are worried about new buyers not those that paid them. Listen, man. I hope you backed it to get a great RPG experience ala Baldur's Gate. I think you will get that, I hope you do. As to keys....my DL speed 126 mbps. I'm not worried. I feel for those that need a day to DL tho....I have been there. I'm not so worried about the predownload as I get high speeds as well...I am dissapointed in how they did the release in general, they really should have had one for the backers.
  6. At the end of the day this is a business, took advantage of kickstarter to offset risks of developing and is reaping the rewards of our backing...most kickstarter note that and make sure their backers have it before others.
  7. I don't think they do really. If they did they would have released a version for backers just before launch. We wouldn't all be sitting here wondering why there are no steam keys...they are worried about new buyers not those that paid them.
  8. It's a bit more concerning that they haven't even come in with a statement. Nothing. Like I said before they have our money don't need to sell us the game. I know we don't get to play it(ridiculous) but this is even worse.
  9. It's not getting the game earlier, it's being able to pre-load. It's not like they can actually play it yet. ...but I do know what you mean. If a backer wanted to use their key on Steam, it'd be nice to be able to pre-load it as well, soon. Kinda treating backers like 2nd class though isn't it. They already have our money...don't need to impress us.
  10. Because that wouldn't be the release date? Rules are RULES people, sheesh. Rules? Is their a book they have to follow on when to release to the public? Day one patch could be done before the release date and most likely will be....it isn't a concrete "day 1" patch....it is just things they have fixed since going gold. Google it.
  11. You think getting it two days early is before it is done? really?
  12. I would love to hear their reasoning on why backers don't get it a couple days early?
  13. Why not release a final version for all backers before it becomes available to the public?
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