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Posts posted by kat7ra

  1. I run around with the black cat because it's scrawny and malnourished, and it was clearly imprisoned by that crazy bitch. It reminds me of myself, in the days just after we mutinied and slit those overseers throats in the night.


    I needed help in those days to, getting my bearings for the first taste of freedom! I feel I owe it to somebody to pass it on.

    This, this is the reason you bring the pets with you.

  2. How can I review the game when  haven't played more than a 3-4 hours yet!
    Those people who instantly gave the game a 9 or 10 with cero hours of play, or one hour of play are being just as silly as those who gave the game a 1 after the same amount of play.

    you don't rate stuff based on your own bias, or your own wishes, it's bad and it makes the "score" useless.


    I will rate the game when I've PLAYED it enough to give my 10c, not before.


    So, this was posted in January or something I believe

    -If you’re a backer getting physical goods, we’ll be sending an e-mail around the end of February that will ask you to confirm your shipping address for us.


    I was wondering if anyone have received such a mail? I'm getting a tad bit nervous :p

    Yeah haven't received anything either but then again my address has been entered since the beginning so there shouldn't be any problems (hopefully).


    Yeah, my address change has been in forever so it should be fine.

    I'm just glad I wasn't left out, since it seems none has gotten the mail it's not just me ^^

    As long as I get the package at some point this spring I'm happy ^^, I've waited this long, I can wait a bit longer.

  4. Curious if there are any vocals in the soundtrack, i.e., Gregorian style chants or background vocals?

    Hah! Was just about to ask the same thing, it's my favourite part of the BG and IWD themes, also what made Huncheback my fav Disney movie.


    I did like the theme though, but as some have said, it might not have the "impact" that some of the other themes have, the sole reason I enjoy BG1 over BG2 (themes) is because the first one doesn't have the slow part at then end. Pure power and no rest.


    After listening to it a couple more times, it actually reminds me a little of Torment, more positive and with some hope, but the same kind of low end theme. And Torment's theme fit perfectly. I'm looking forward to see how this one fits to the game ^^, it's already growing on me.

    • Like 1
  5. If it was available around now, it would be awesome as there are no other competitors; that's not happening so rumored march 24 sounds good, any late and it would enter witcher's  window and even later than witcher is unacceptable but for a least bugged experience we'd have to comply(hope it wouldn't come to that). I just don't wanna focus on both games at the same time which I will if they'd be available at the same time; I have no self control.

    Oh no, the horror of having tow good games come out at the same time :p

    But seriously though, let them have their time, I don't want a rushed game.

  6. Thanks


    I think chanters or ciphers would be the best class for me.


    Ciphers: Interesting concept, but a mage that needs to hit nearby enemies with a weapon in order to cast spells seems strange to me. Usually I want fragile casters to be as far away as possible from enemies.


    Chanters: Maybe it helps me to overcome my dislike of bards I have learned in BG1. I never touched this class again.

    Pick up BG2

    Roll bard

    Get to the high level perks




    The ability to use ANY item in the game, is kinda silly :D

  7. Don't feel I need to read all of this.


    I totally agree! It adds to the feel of the game, and makes the "look" of the enemy worth more, he's not just a character attacking you, he's a character with a nice full plate mail, boots of speed and a shiny one handed sword attacking you, from a loot perspective it's more fun knowing that a character with interesting loot will drop INTERESTING LOOT. And if a guy has a flaming sword you might want to be carefull of the guy with the flaming sword, but the longer you play with "random" loot the less you'll care about how the enemy looks imo, it also breaks immersion. It's one of the reason wolfs shouldn't drop copper pieces, and ogres shouldn't drop short swords (unless there is a reason for him to have stolen/found one)



    Seems this was already happening then :p Should have read I guess :D

  8. Walking in combat ? Too relaxed don't you think :p

    Well, if you run around like a crazy person in real life combat, you're gonna tire yourself out, and risk tripping/not noticing things.


    Toggle for me would be awesome! (If it would be easy to implement for the devs) But it's a Quality of life issue imo, not high on the list ^^

    • Like 2
  9. Funny fact about moden bioware games. The in-game cut scenes that are supposed to imerse you in the game, and give you a feeling of "being there" since it uses the in-game draphics actually take me OUT of the imersive experience many times. Especially in the DA series. (DA:I getting a new agent)


    The sometimes VERY awkward scenes when your character moves weird, has a stupid look on his face, or the dialogue has a second or two between the sentences of the persons without anything in between ends up breaking it horrible, but when I look on the games that use text based "cut-scenes" or rather no cut scenes, I can't really think of times where it took me out of the game, as long as it's well written and the characters stay in character. (Fourth wall breaking can be very bad imo)


    I trust enough in the writers of Obsidian that it won't be a problem in most cases, there is no weird CGI to take you out of the game, or break it up with movie scenes between dialogue boxes. I'm very interested in how well the drawn scenes will work with the full game, but as a whole I feel this type of game has it MUCH easier than more modern style games in keeping the game experience fluid and imersive.


    A good example was one library scene in Torment, when I read codex entries in DA I do it because me as a player am curious, when I spent several hours reading lore in Torment, it flet like I was doing it both as a player and as a chracter, because the story and writing was so compelling that it made me want to stay and read as much as possible, because my character wanted the information.

    The FFish cut scenes when casting some spells on the other hand worked in the opposite way, the first few times it was cool (first time was awesome) after that it became a time sink that took you out of the game imo.



    This type of game has it easier than most modern games to keep an imersive and fluid story going, I feel this is one of the safest areas to have faith in Obsidian!

    • Like 1
  10. IMO, modern bioware has become a little weird when it comes down to romances, playing DA:I now and there has already been several instances of using the "romance" option without meanign to, I don't always pay attention to the "icon" that the dialogue option has, and my char will take on this smug/horrible grin/attitude and say somethign stupid, it's really anoying.


    BG2 had romances, and in my oppinion they worked fine. That was because the strength of the character, and that the romance was something that was there as an afterthought, not a main design perspective, which I believe todays Bioware characters are sometimes designed as.


    Heck, the romance I had in BG2 even made me chose a different ending then I thought I would. Also, the threat of companions leaving you is essential, if you're "in love" with an npc, then your actions should be affected, while in DA games all you care about is getting the right dialogue option to get "rep" with the character. Though if you wanted to romance Viconia (the original Morigan) you needed to make sure you didn't scare her away early if you were being too good, and slowly try to open her up to another world view.


    Main thing is for me, romance has to be an after thought, not a main reason for the cars existence, something that flows naturally between companions out in the field for a long time, not somethign you jump at when the dialogue option says "romance option".

    • Like 1
  11. As an enem design it could be cool, but I'm not that for having more than one of each class in my party, so for me this would feel wrong :p

    I need my party to be as diverse as possible, and I feel that is also one of the mayor parts of these kind of games, just running aroun with 4 cultists would feel silly, I'm with the guy who said that he'd rather want to kill them.


    I'm not against demons though, or summoners, or having cultists that casts spells together as enemies, it sounds fun. Stop them or  they'll blow open your castle wall!

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