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Posts posted by kat7ra

  1. Most games lack replayability due to the fact you've to pass through the same prologue again and again. (toee is better at this regard since it at least has 9 different beginnings)


    The first time you may still feel refreshed and empowered due to knowing how environment react to you, but the second time and onward it becomes a grind. You simply cannot replicate the "first time feel" especially when the game focus on adventure and story.


    It's like in candlekeep when you realize no matter what you choose the assassin attacks you aka the choice of illusion or no matter what you do Iowen getts kidnapped once out of Irecnius dungeon, there is no point doing anything no more due to the fact they're railroaded (despite having "opinions"). 


    POE also has the main quest blocking the adventure aspect like how the brigand blocks the bridge in Arcanum which makes the game feel more railroaded and restricted.  Personally I play poe as a linear adventure path and enjoy what it is. Doubt would restart a new game soon though.

    Sorry, I just have to...

    Heya, it's me IMOEN.

    Don't misspell my sisters name please.

  2. the reason for the hype is stated in your post.

    BG was 17 years ago... and the people who loves these games have been starved for a loooong time.

    I haven't completed the game yet, so I can't give it a score, but remember that a lot of these metacritic scores were in before they'd played the game much at all. Fanboys and starved communities makes for good hype.

    I am enjoying the game so far, and I would maybe agree on a 7 at the moment, but end game content, endless paths' lower levels and story/npc stories might change it for better or worse.

    But yeah, the people were starved man, like so starved they praised D:OS as an amazing game.

  3. I use a paladin and Eder as my frontline, and it's all about how you position your guys, if you have them shoulder to shoulder the enemies get forced to fight both your guys at once, preferably in choke-holds of some sort.


    I also seem to be the only guy that has enemies who will go STRAIGHT after my weaker people at times, so many times I've had to send Aloth to anothe room because otherwise 2-3 guys will charge him after my front line has been engaged.


    Sex is bad, mmmkay. It should give a shame debuff, which is there for the full duration of the game.

    And if you are a paladin or priest you should get the debuff "not a virgin", which will, if you don't seek forgivness for your sins, turn you into a Blackguard.


    Also, is this serious? First the rage over a "transphobic" joke, which seems to have died down the last couple of days, or have just been limited to twitter, and now people are upset about prostitutes in a medieval fantasy world?


    As if the Goldpacts or the Bleak walkers are virgins :p


    And yes, mechanics for detecting stuff is stupid. Perception should have been enough. Now you're forced to make your ranger/whatever an expert machinist.

    Or you could just use one of your companions for that....


    Also - you know that the game won't collapse if you will not discover every single hidden item that exists in there, do you? Cause I have a very strong impression that you don't.


    What are you talking about? Of course the game will collapse!


    Tbh though, opening locks, finding secrets and removing traps is A LOT MORE than you get from ANY other skill.

  6. Only problem I had was the Roedrics hold bug, and the answer to that is to have a separate save before you go in, so you can try it again.

    Don't double click to equip items?

    Other then that, I personally don't have any troubles so far, maybe I'll crash and burn in 10 more hours, but I can't say anything have stopped me from playing the game so far.


    Oh yeah, don't enchant Saint's armour to fine, it removed the pierce armour for me :p

    • Like 2
  7. So, what you're saying is that one of the oldest recreational activities should not give a boon?


    I haven't gotten to this part yet so I can't discuss work ethics and the moral standpoint of said establishment, but I can say that linking modern western prostitution to PoE prostitution does NOT work, separate worlds/history/context etc.


    When getting random boons to your lock picking skill and stealth skill is given for sleeping in a normal bed, getting boons from having sex does make perfectly sense.

    What amount of boon and whether or not you should get something negative would depend on the prostitute and how good she/he is and if he/she got any STDs I'd say.


    the game does not say that forced prostitution is good or that human trafficking should be supported, it tells you that having a good night with someone who knows what he/she's doing in bed is probably good for a person after they've been off cave exploring for a while.

    • Like 1
  8. kat7ra I feel you. But for example BG and BG2 are extremely easy games if you chose to exploit the various cheap tricks and AI glitches in the game. So what do you do instead?


    Don't forget to play the game you want to. Don't feel obliged to use cheap tricks if you discover some. Disable infinite inventory if you don't like it. Don't metagame your second, third or any other play through. Don't reload when you 'discover' a trap too late.


    For example, I always return to the stronghold to check up on the new upgrade and issue a new one with the statue. I wouldn't have to but it makes sense to me. I justified taking the keep with this char but maybe I won't take it with the next one, even if it proves to be an advantage.


    Heck, I've been distributing talents and skills on level ups based on what each character has been doing during that time so if we're spending time in the woods, everyone gets some survival. Ofc it's also fun to make the most (im)balanced party. Maybe I'll do that some other time but there are so many different ways to play these games so why not enjoy them all?


    I think anyone that played the old IE games for a few times will tell you that they're neither difficult nor easy. They're what you make them to be.

    Thing is, most of the IE stuff is clearly not intentional, force talking Firkraag and then killing him without getting attacked back is not what the devs wanted. Here the "quality of life" parts of the game is very much intentional, and I hate handicapping myself on purpose because a game is too easy, any game get's difficult if you turn of the screen, doens't mean I'm gonna do it. (Over the top example I know)

    My gripe with the stash is that even with it turned off, it's not really turned off. All the crafting stuff goes there automatically, and if you press loot all by accident it goes to the stash as well, which then makes it silly that you'd have to walk to your stash because your loot magically transported there. And not being able to drop items also makes it hard to handicap myself on the stash, since I can't remove any of the stuff unless I sell it, and if I don't sell all the trash I'll end up having an insane mess.

    My current "fix" is to only loot what I would consider "good" loot, no more ****ty armours or pokers from my enemies, fine or better items only. Which will hopefully help with the insane gold amount I got after only five levels of Endless paths.

    I do my best to stick to proper "rping" but some of the stuff is very immersion breaking anyway.

  9. Being able to kill one of the biggest bosses with a lvl 1 spell, stealth and one shot the enemy caster before combat starts, and being able to prebuff before you've technically met your encounter.

    these things are not part of a good tactical gameplay.

    Don't get me wrong here, I loved BG 1 + 2 and I don't have any problems with the prebuffing and the stealthing around, but calling it out and saying it's better from a tactical point of view is like saying that force-talking to an enemy before combat so he'll stay "friendly" while you hit him is immersive and tactically deep.

    you might not enjoy the new system here, and I agree it sometimes feels a bit weird, but don't give out random praise to old IE games on stuff that was not praise worthy, neither from a strategic or immersive point of view.

    • Like 1
  10. You need to justify it yourself it seems, make up your immersion because the game does not give it to you.

    I like these kind of building side quests, and I really liked the Nwn2 one, but this one is a very good example of a kickstarter promise imo, they said they'd do it, but it didn't really fit in with the story, and they wouldn't have the money and time to rewrite everything to maybe fit the stronghold in as a story/rp mechanic instead of just a game mechanic.


    My biggest gripes with the game so far though is the sometimes over the top user friendliness, like the loot chest and the build anything anywhere psychic steward.

    I don't really want a silly chest of holding without any explanation at the start of the game. And I wouldn't mind if the castle would require me to actually go there to do stuff, but that's just me I guess.

  11. Git out!
    To be slightly more constructive...

    We know that the game is not fully voice acted, we've known this from day 1. It's not meant to be, it's made for people who ENJOY reading.

    I get that it's not for everyone, and I don't say that everyone has to enjoy reading, it's a good thing if you do, but hey, if it's not your cup of tea, that's not a problem.

    but as someone stated, a MINIMAL research would have told you about the reading, ANY review would have been a dead give away.


    Harsh truth, game is not meant for you, I'm sorry, and we do NOT want it to change.

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