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About Nilus

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    The Ravager of course.
  1. It depends, I'm sure someone could translate some of the dialogue as a romance, (Also Kriea's and Mira's comments) but it's all iffy. A;so did you know that you can use her to get infinite credits?
  2. http://www.moddb.com/mods/kotor-online I was messing about on ModDB when I came across this. Not too impressed with it but it's decent for a web game,(Forgive it for using SWTOR resources.) But that's not the only reason I'm posting it here. Apparently he's made it public domain, and he wants it to end up in good hands. Just saying, a prospect like this is in my opinion to good to let it die and I for one am going to help.
  3. BTW, when I said "regretting saying that their wasn't an original story in SWTOR," I meant it in a bad way in a bad way.
  4. yeah,i agree Nilus,they copied the most famous characters of SW and followed the stereotype of star wars to attract more SW casual fans filled with any sorts of tropes,cliches,stereotypes both of Bioware and Star Wars, the sith emperor clearly designed to be a copy of Palpatine The sith ships being similar to the Galactic empire ships the sith troopers strongly resembling Stormtroopers The republic troopers having clone trooper (Prequels) armor That imperial intelligence is the same as the Imperial intelligence of the Galactic empire Sith Inquisitor=Palpatine Sith Warrior=Vader (clearly by the lines) Bounty Hunter=|Boba Fett Imperial agent=Imperial Officer Jedi Knight=Luke Republic Trooper=Clone Trooper commander(Cody) Jedi Consular=Obi-wan Smuggler=Han Solo the fact that the sith are called "Empire" the unnecessary fanservice by making Satele Shan and Revan appear in the game(Shoe Horning) the funniest thing is that Bioware Austin claims that the original KOTOR staff in there,but it was Bioware Edmonton that did KOTOR back when Drew Karpyshyn was the lead writer I loved KOTOR,had an awesome party(HK and Canderous were my favourites),i remember all of them,Jolee,Juhani,Trask,Carth,HK-47,Bastila,Mission,Zaalbar,Canderous,T3-M4) KOTOR 2's party was still awesome,while TOR has very few characters that are interesting,mostly because they are rip off of KOTOR's characters and i don't even remember them,except for Vette and Malavai Quinn that's a shame,because some of the stories are not bad,if TOR was a DA:O like SP RPG that had nothing that mentioned KOTOR's events (to make KOTOR 3 possible),it would have been awesome but EA:"mmm,look at that cash cow that bioware has,time to milk it dry" Indeed! But rehashing star wars characters is one thing, but what I am about to say is quite another matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmKJ-ORFXxA This is the ending of the Shadow of Revan expansion, I know it's torture to watch it, so I summarize it. Revan didn't die on the foundry, at least part of him didn't, you see the Light Side part of him became one with the force but the dark side part stayed. Then turns out the Sith Emperor is still floating about. So, Revan does this weird ritual thing to resurrect the Sith Emperor so he can kill him permanently. But it turns out the ritual will result in the deaths of "TRILLIONS OF INNOCENTS" so the Jedi and the Sith get all honky-Dorey and fight Revan and his army. At this point, I was regretting saying that their wasn't an original story in SWTOR. Until I remembered this Star Trek episode. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/The_Enemy_Within_%28episode%29 I hope Paramount sues them, slaps a cease and desist order on them, and ultimately shuts them down. After seeing all this, it took me, what? Thirty minutes to make a better storyline in my head, (To which I will not elaborate on unless asked to) You just hit the nail on the head right there.
  5. Rehashing of characters and themes from over star wars content. Don't get me wrong the smuggler's, the Inquisitors, the warrior's, and the trooper's story was decent. But that's just what it is; decent. The characters have all been done before, the stories are all unoriginal, and the they just use KOTOR as a source for "special items"and not so villainous villains, (That are killed, and then they come back, then they are killed, and they come back) I mean come on! A smuggler that just so happens to get a wookie companion? And just so happens to have a princess companion? (That might I add can be romanced) Take a look at this: Bounty Hunter(=Jango Fett) mako(=zam) Smuggler(=Han Solo), gets Bowdaar(=Chewie) and "Princess" Risha(=Princess Liea) Jedi Knight(=Luke Skywalker/Revan) gets T7-O1(=R2 and T3) and Doc(=Carth Onasi) And I've been saving the worst for last... It's one thing to make a character that's female, that's a Twi'lek, that's uppity, that's blue, and that left her homeworld. It's another matter entirely if you give her the same voice actor that did the other Female uppity blue Twi'lek that left her homeworld. Now don't you say, "But Nilus, what about Zalbaar?" 'Cause that's different. Yes, you can be a scoundrel, and yes you can act like Han, but that's the point. You CAN. You can make hundreds of individual PCs by chucking them onto a damaged space ship, BUT NO, we've got to make you have a predestined and restrictive character story with stereotypical characters. And I don't know who the genius was that decided that people would want to kill their favorite characters.... REPEATEDLY!!!!
  6. For the record, Nilus is a Byzantine name, not a corruption of Nihilus

  7. Wow, that makes my head hurt just thinking reading it. Yes, you can do the Czerka quests as light side and the Ithorian quest as darkside. It kinda makes the whole game more interesting in my opinion, but I never join Czerka cause I can't stand Lorso. Kotor 2 gives you more room for choice in the DS/LS area's then Kotor 1, makes it more interesting and gives more reasons to replay it, (I personally play the gray-but-light-leaning-slightly-lucrative-and-bloodthirsty-Jedi.) As to your question, yes, I do believe you can be a light Sith or a Dark Jedi in Kotor 2. Oh, and we did not STEAL B4D4, we BORROWED him, *wink wink*
  8. True, but the Kotor franchise is also in the un-canon void and one would have to make a game, (Like as you said, Kotor 3) a movie, or a book. TOR is more likely to be legitimized, (Much to my displeasure) then kotor at the moment because simply, it's newer. I haven't gone as far as to boycott bioware, but I am really disappointed with the majority of the storyline in TOR, and am not playing it. But I'm not exaggerating when I say that I'm sure that the majority of fans agree Star Wars needs better games then the TOR we've had shoved down our throats.
  9. Am I the only one that asked the following questions about the revan book? What happened to Carth? Why did Revan not bring HK? Why did the exile make no mention of her party members? Why in the name of good literature, DID THEY REFER TO KRIEA AND HER BUNCH ALMOST AS A FOOTNOTE?!
  10. Mostly, I believe Kriea's description of Revan the most because it corresponds with my Kotor 1 character. Your theories are sound, but I genuinely believe that Revan went to fight the true Sith. Not the TOR Sith mind you, (Seriously, after all that talk about how powerful the True Sith were, I didn’t expect them to be worse then Malak’s bunch.) but the kind of Sith you meet in Kotor 2, powerful, mysterious, and dedicated to the annihilation of the jedi rather then galactic conquest. That's the kind of Sith I'd want to meet. The ones that are driven by their inner nature rather then lust for power. Point is, the Kotor 2 styled sith are the best kind that Star Wars has ever had, I can't see any room for improvement there.
  11. I would love a KOTOR 3, but even if they did want to make it, they'd probably give it to bioware because they're more known. Speaking for myself, I'd rather Obsidion does it, why? Even unfinished, The Sith Lords it's one of my all time favs. Also, as a modder, I know that most of the unfinished content is still in the game files, with mods like the TSL Restoration Project; KOTOR 2 just blows away its predecessor. Keeping in mind that Disney is keeping a tight grip on SW games an media, the only hope of Kotor 3 in the near future is mods. There are actually two, "Revenge of Revan" and "The Jedi Masters" (Revenge of Revan is better in my opinion but unfinished) But I soooo want that Revan book to be thrown out the canonical window. I mean, come on, the Exile being stabbed in the back? Revan's role in TOR only being a glorified boss? Bad move on Lucas Arts part.
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