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About ericdy

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  1. Does size matter Tekehu? No its how you wield it!
  2. Oh Konstanten you sweet, bored masseur
  3. On a similar note, when talking to Eder on the beach in the opening sequence, I could see shadows of clouds passing by. This is also one of the nice things that one don't really think about what it means for the construction of a living world. Nice work Obsidian!
  4. I like this new system better than PoE1, where I just had one grimoire and filled it will all spells I could find/bought. The idea of having different grimoires appeals to me in a role playing way..
  5. If I remember right, they are in a folder where you installed the game. Something like C:/programs/steam/steamapps/pillarsofeternity
  6. Really like this as well. These kind of small things have big impact of games (for me anyway )
  7. I have only played the beta a few hours and only started to explore the beginning of the main game. I will wait for the hotfix/patch and start over. However, I have backed the game and waited a long time for it, I can wait a little longer I am confident that the developers will fix the bugs. Overall, the support and open communication from the developers are great! Thanks obsidian for a great game that will be even better with a few fixes!
  8. Is mechanic still used to find hidden objects? And, does you have to be in stealth mode to find them?
  9. I feel that the camera is strange, centered. It seems that I cannot move around from the main character and freely explore the map... Am I missing some simple choice in the options menu?
  10. Just started to play the beta. Found that the option to auto-pause after using abilities make the game pause after each attack.
  11. Not as seriously as that namn, but in PoE 1, Kana is Finnish for chicken
  12. Thanks, been looking for something that explains the roll Bu I still think it's wierd (or incredible bad luck ) that I haven't had a single visitor or merchant during the entire game. I have 56 in prestige.. Is the roll-rules the same for visitors and merchants?
  13. Yeah, and fully upgraded stronghold, killed Ada dragon (gives like 6+ prestige), and middle act 3. I had a lot of visitors in my play through before the latest patch. So something feels buggy
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