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Posts posted by Urthor

  1. Don't take any Cipher abilities.




    All of the monk abilities are a better use of your time, as they all have long cast times. and you want to save your focus for soul annihilation. Since Cipher casts have no synergy with monk weapons, don't use them, but soul annihilation scales off monk melee damage so yeah that's fine. Exception is when you get the +intellect modal, maybe. But that is very lategame.

  2. What's the best choice for Devoted right now?  Soul Blade?  I'm going to avoid the nature godlike monk until future playthroughs I think and go devoted (longsword) for my first playthrough.  I'm assuming fists never made it to the weapon focus picks.

    Soul Blade and Cleave is disgusting not much else to say. Monk Cipher seems good but balanced compared to soul blade and Cleave.

  3. I mean if you multi class just make sure to pick a broken one, I feel like 2/3rds of the multi classes are definitely deficient to the single classes, but that might just be me. It depends on the math because +2 power levels probably outweighs some of the multi classes but not all, power levels only gives you +15% damage, while biting whip alone gives you more than that.  


    edit: Also holy **** I just read mob stance for the first time, how much was that nerfed from the beta exactly?  That looks bloody insane

  4. The most important thing you have to get your head around is that you *have* to understand the math and the damage formula.  Okay well not really depending on your difficulty but still.  


    It is quite a lot more enjoyable to play these RPGs when you know exactly how your damage calculation is being made, and that requires some basic math and understanding the (IMO) needlessly complicated accuracy and resistance saves mechanics.  Invest a bit of time in that and you'll enjoy yourself a lot more.  


    Also if you are stuck on playing a class, pick a single class that isn't Barbarian or Rogue and you will be fine.  Ask first before you play a multi class.

  5. I seem to have derailed this thread from its original question. I'd recommend watching 

    It's a bit long-winded but it is at least somewhat relevant to your question, and an interesting watch if you're a nerd like me. 


    Edit: to answer your question more directly, I would say yes perception is important for monk if you wanna go crit monk


    He changed it significantly from that talk in PoE2


    PoE1 attributes mattered significantly less because as he said, a huge might score was only 15% extra damage vs 10 might.  Now 18 might is a LOT more damage than 10 might.  

  6. I've gone backwards from committing to pure Hellblade to being super caught up in Cipher/Devoted Cipher/Paladin Cipher/Monk combos.  It's actually awful.  

    Cipher/Monk now seems super promising, Pillar to scale off hits combined with Soul Blade and the Devoted whip stacking, then you can use the massive intellect bonus from your wounds to toss around enduring CC, but seems too micro intensive.

  7. How easy was it to hit the Might cap in the beta, or is that even possible?  If power levels are supposed to be the biggest discriminator between single and multi classes, isn't there an end game scenario where your Nature Godlike can naturally just hit 35 might and have full accuracy, and the additional power levels to abilities just gains less meaning? 


    Similarly, stacking crit.  Nature Godlike and Hearth Orlan seem like the clear Munchkin subraces since they're the ones that actually provide offensive bonuses, but how valuable is 10% of hits to crits for HOrlando Bloom?

  8. Interesting to see what the numbers are for Inquisitor but it's definitely one of the better multiclasses even if the numbers aren't quite as good as the beta.


    Question in my mind is how good the Ascendant variant is compared to Soul blade now, Ascendant multi class might have a lot of potential since you can just use your Paladin half of the equation to gain focus then cast your +3 power level spells.  

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