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NWN2 News August 24th, 2007

Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update

August 24, 2007


Another week has passed and we are now another week closer to the release of Mask of The Betrayer.


This week we will announce the winners of the Fan Art contest and talk about the next contest and contests to come. We get another voice recording from one of the MoTB characters, and we take a look at some of the community creations.


Mask of The Betrayer


Over the last few weeks we have been seeing quite a bit of discussion about one of the characters in MoTB. So, for today's update, I thought we would tease you a bit more with a bit of the soundset for Gann.


This recording is Gann's threat. You may need to right click the link and save the file to your local computer before listening.



And the Winner is...


Well we had a lot of great entries for the Fan Art contest. Once again we found ourselves faced with a difficult decision on some of these. Art contests are always difficult to judge. But, we sat down and looked through all the entries and were finally able to decide on some winners... so without further delay, the winners are:


For the Favorite NWN2 Companion or NPC category...


First Place: Meet the Party, by Minttu Hynninen

Second Place: King of Shadows Enters the Meredelain, by J. Cullen Lisbony

Third Place: Construct vs. Grobnar, by MaeBe


For the Favorite Creature or Monster category...


First Place: Earth Elemental, by Kamen Anev

Second Place: Shadow Reaver, by Vaei

Third Place: Ogre Mage, by Laban


All of the entries were good and some, like the Tholapsyx! entry, by msykes, were a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone that participated. To view all of the entries, just follow This Link.


For the winners, please contact me and let me know your mailing address. We have some prizes and goodies for you!


So, now it's time to talk about the next contest. The next competition, is a Custom Content contest. This contest will be much longer than the others, to allow people to work with the Expotron a bit before they have to submit anything. This Custom Content contest will span three months and will cover many different aspects of Custom Content. Contestants can submit up to one entry for each of the following categories:

  • Creature/Monster (requires animations)
  • Weapons
  • Buildings (can have animations if you like, such as a swinging sign, but don't have to)
  • Placeables (can have animations, but don't have to)
  • Clothing/Armor
  • Props & Miscellaneous (equipable items that don't fit into any specific category - such as books and bouquets of flowers)
As noted, the only category that requires animations is the creature/monster category. All other categories do not require animation.


This contest will be announced officially on Monday, on the Bioware boards - along with full rules and guidelines. All of the models should be able to be added to the game/toolset through the use of the override folder at the very least. Your entries may be accompanied by a hak version as well. All work must be your own, but you may have one person help you out as well. I will talk with the folks at NWVault and have a contest category created for these models. November 30th will be the cutoff date for this contest. Good luck!


In the future, we will see some team competitions combining scripting, custom content and modules, such as a "Build a better mouse trap" contest where scripters and custom content modelers will have to team up to build a great trap for NWN2. Start thinking now ;)



Community Works


Sunlee's Portable Banner



cacysunlee has created a great banner that can be carried by players and NPCs. You can find it here, on NWVault.



NWN1 to NWN2 tile converter


Sothis B has created a great tool for converting your NWN1 interiors into NWN2 interiors. The tool, which can be found here, is in it's early stages, but already promises to be a time saver, per the description on the site:


This plugin converts the tiles of an interior area with one of the tilesets "City Interior", "Castle interior" or "Drow interior" from NWN1. Only the tiles are converted (including some of the placeables which are fixed on the tiles). All other placeables, creatures, triggers, encounters, doors, lights, ... are lost. Not all tiles are correctly converted, because not all have a NWN2 equivalent.


The plugin works using a database file where for every NWN1 tile ID, the NWN2 equivalent is noted. The plugin simply searches the database to convert the area. I made the database by making a special module for NWN1, containing all the tiles. By rebuilding the same area in NWN2, I could build the conversion database. The module files I used are also downloadable here.



Useful PW Scripts

This collection of scripts by Lusitania can save you a bit of time when building your Persistent World and can be quite helpful. The script package includes:

  • XP reward system
  • onAcquire script that announces to the party what an individual picks up
  • Basic PC Scry
  • Dice roller for group members
You can get this set of scripts here, from Neverwinter Vault.




So we come to the end of another NWN2 Community Update. As always, please let me know if any pictures or links do not work for you. I will be posting some polls shortly in the Blog section here. Please take a few moments to answer the polls as they are posted. Thanks and have a great week!


Recommended Comments



Nary of mention of 1.07 is annoying...



Rob McGinnis


Nary of mention of 1.07 is annoying...




That's because we have been talking about 1.07 in the Bioware forums. I like to give people something different in the Blog.

Kurt Pruenner


Rob, for the love of $DOG and all that is Holly, could you please, please, pretty please with a cherry^wJelly Bean on top publish MP3 files with an actual MP3 extension? Renaming them to WAV doesn't automagically turn them into, well, WAV files - and foobar2000 foobarfs all over it's log that what's supposed to be a WAV file actually totally massively isn't... o:)


Just my .02 EYPO...


np: Michael Fakesch - On The Floor (DOS)

Rob McGinnis


Rob, for the love of $DOG and all that is Holly, could you please, please, pretty please with a cherry^wJelly Bean on top publish MP3 files with an actual MP3 extension? Renaming them to WAV doesn't automagically turn them into, well, WAV files - and foobar2000 foobarfs all over it's log that what's supposed to be a WAV file actually totally massively isn't... o:)


Just my .02 EYPO...


np: Michael Fakesch - On The Floor (DOS)


I didn't rename the extension. Though it looks like my Media Player will run it with either extension.



Props & Miscellaneous (equipable items that don't fit into any specific category - such as books and bouquets of flowers)

If I'll found a good "equipable book" thanks to this contest, maybe I'll put it into my "Rest, Pray & Study with Obj" scripts set. ;)

(With creator permission and credits, obviously!)


I think I'll surely not be into this contest... (I know nothing about 3DsMax, for now).

And... I think I'll not partecipate on team up contests, too...

So... good luck and have fun to every competitor! ;)



For Monsters Fan Art Contest, my bet was the exact contrary: 1st Ogre Mage, 2nd Shadow Reaver and 3rd Earth Elemental! :D



PS: Rob, can we ask you specific comments about specific Fan Art Entries via PM on Official Forums?





I didn't rename the extension. Though it looks like my Media Player will run it with either extension.

I confirm that's an mp3 file... my WinAmp Player reads it only with ".mp3" extension. ;)



Congrats Vaei and all the other artists ;)

Rob McGinnis


I confirm that's an mp3 file... my WinAmp Player reads it only with ".mp3" extension. ;)


Well, then I'll change it and we'll see what happens ;)


Kurt Pruenner


I didn't rename the extension. Though it looks like my Media Player will run it with either extension.

Yes, DirectShow (which, in this case, is what's used by Windows Media Player) simply tries to open it with just about any codec you have installed on your system until one of them succeeds. Other players just look at the file extension and use what would be appropriate.


But still, if the software you used to encode it to MP3 saved it with a WAV extension I'd have a nice, long talk with it and convince it to stop doing that - "Bad software, baaad... Sit. Fetch. Save as MP3." :teehee:


np: Michael Fakesch - Diesehle (Marion)



I was hoping this update would have some GenCon pics or new in-game Screenshots, or even previews and features of the NXP1. :o:o



This be the link to the sound thingy...




Well, I don't know about you, but it looks like an MP3 to me. What, with the .mp3 extension already sitting there.


Also, is no one else psyched about the fact that they got Crispin Freeman in there as Gann for MotB? I can recognize that voice anywhere. Maybe it's because I'm an anime freak...



Rob already changed the link in the main post. ;)

Kurt Pruenner


Well, I don't know about you, but it looks like an MP3 to me. What, with the .mp3 extension already sitting there.

Well, the linked file had a .WAV extension before Rob changed it.


Also, is no one else psyched about the fact that they got Crispin Freeman in there as Gann for MotB? I can recognize that voice anywhere. Maybe it's because I'm an anime freak...

Errr... oops.


Guess should have listened closer to that MP3, especially with that shelf of anime DVDs next to me... :(


np: Jonas Bering - Melanie (Kompakt Total 7 (Disc 2))

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