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NWN2 News July 3rd, 2007

Will Project X be a good game?  

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Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update

July 3, 2007


Welcome back to another NWN2 Community Update. This week, I am doing the Community Update a day early, due to a Holiday in the United States. Today's edition features some of the Console Commands that will be available to DMs in 1.07, a little information about Multi-Select, some changes to the camera and controls in Mask of The Betrayer, a look at an upcoming Persistent World, and a little surprise for patch 1.07.



The Multi-select system is going through a simple overhaul. The first part of which, that you should see, is that now, multi-selected parties should be able to perform their default actions. This means you will be able to open doors, pick locks, etc. without having to de-select your group now. Other changes will be forth-coming, but so far, this is the big change.


DM Console Commands in 1.07

I have been receiving a lot of requests for what script commands we are making available to DMs in the 1.07 patch. To answer this question I am going to post a good number of them, along with their descriptions:


SetCHA : Set the currently targeted creature to the specified CHA.

SetCON : Set the currently targeted creature to the specified CON.

SetDEX : Set the currently targeted creature to the specified DEX.

SetDieRollMode : Usage: 'SetDieRollMode (0/1/2). 0 = normal random die rolling. 1 = minimum die rolls. 2 = maximum die rolls.'

SetINT : Set the currently targeted creature to the specified INT.

SetSTR : Set the currently targeted creature to the specified STR.

SetWIS : Set the currently targeted creature to the specified WIS.

command : 'command <MATCH>' will return all commands that include any characters in the MATCH sequence.

commands : 'commands <MATCH>' will return all commands that include any characters in the MATCH sequence.

dm_getvarfloat : Returns the value of the specified variable.

dm_getvarint : Returns the value of the specified variable.

dm_getvarobject : Returns the value of the specified variable.

dm_getvarstring : Returns the value of the specified variable.

dm_giveXP : Gives the specified amount of XP to the current target.

dm_givegold : Gives the specified amount of gold to the current target.

dm_god : Turn player character invincible.

dm_jumptopoint : Jump to the specified points. Syntax is: float float.

dm_modifyage : Your current target will have its age adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.

dm_setCR : Your current target will have its challenge rating set to the value specified.

dm_setage : Your current target will have its age set to the value specified.

dm_setattackbase : Your current target will have its base attack bonus set to the value specified.

dm_setfaction : Your current target will have its faction set to the one specified in the command line.

dm_setfactionreputation : Where: faction1 and faction2 are the names of factions. x is an integer value indicating the value to set the reputation value to. Description: This function will set the reputation value for how faction2 feels about faction1 (0 is hostile, 100 is friendly).

dm_setspellresistance : Your current target will have its spell resistance set to the value specified.

dm_setvarfloat : Sets variable specified to the given value.

dm_setvarint : Sets variable specified to the given value.

dm_setvarobject : Sets variable specified to the given value.

dm_setvarstring : Sets variable specified to the given value.

givefeat : Usage: 'givefeat FEATID'

giveitem : Usage: 'giveitem ITEMTEMPLATE <AMOUNT>' Will create an item and add it to you inventory. If you don't specify an amount, it is assumed to be one.

givespell : Usage: 'givespell SPELLID SLOT'

givexp : Usage: 'givexp <AMOUNT>' Will give the supplied number of experience points, or enough to level up if no number is supplied

logcommands :

loggameeffects : Usage: 'loggameeffects'

logrunscript :

logserverai : Usage: 'logserverai'

portraitsave :

rain :

removefeat : Usage: 'removefeat FEATID'

resetlevels : Usage: 'resetlevels <OBJECT> <EXP>'

resetpackage :

resetstats :

resourcestats :

rs : Usage: 'runscript SCRIPTFILE <TARGET>' Will run the script. If <TARGET> is a valid object, the script will be run with that object as OBJECT_SELF.

runscript : Usage: 'runscript SCRIPTFILE <TARGET>' Will run the script. If <TARGET> is a valid object, the script will be run with that object as OBJECT_SELF.

takedamage : Usage: 'takedamage DAMAGE <TARGET>' - DAMAGE can be any number greater than zero. <TARGET> (optional) is the tag of the object you are trying to target

unpolymorph : Usage: 'unpolymorph'

usebehavior : Usage: 'usebehavior NUMBER' This will change the currently controlled creature to use designated behavior set from the NWN2_BehaviorParams.2da

usescriptset : Usage: 'usescriptset NUMBER' This will change the currently controlled creature to use designated script set from the nwn2_scriptsets.2da





MoTB Camera Changes

In Mask of The Betrayer, we will be implementing something called Play Modes. This will replace the current camera/control scheme in NWN2 with something a little bit more streamlined. Basically, there will be two play modes that can be configured from the Game Options screen - Character Mode and Strategy Mode. These modes will affect both the function of the camera and the controls for each mode, and are designed to be most efficient for the two primary styles of play


Recommended Comments



DM client getting some luvin. That's good.


But with all these PWs popping up, what ever happened to the promised multiplayer fixes slated for patch 1.06? We still don't have a working ActivatePortal function, which completely ruins the continuity in multi-instanced games.


Also, a neatly distributable nwn2 dedicated server still isn't available, and embarrassingly your support site lists an ETA of January 2007. :ermm:


Hire me as a developer and I'd be more than happy to quit my current thankless job and work on these for you.



I hope that standard Camera Controls will be still avaibles in MoTB!

I'm one of that peoples that never complained about standard camera controls!


EDIT: And I hope that the Bronze Dragon (great!) is a full working creature, too... not just a 3D model avaible for creature appareance. :)

(PS: Can I hope that base texture are "white-shadowed" textures, too? It would be great if usable as template to create other "metal painted dragons"!!! And a White Dragon could be great for "colour painted dragons" template, too!)



Will DM script commands like "SetCHA" ever be availeable as script functions?



Thanks :)



Yes, please do not throw out the old camera controls just yet. I fear the new system not being a good replacement then having to wait for repairs.


Please, no sudden movements. :)



(PS: Can I hope that base texture are "white-shadowed" textures, too? It would be great if usable as template to create other "metal painted dragons"!!! And a White Dragon could be great for "colour painted dragons" template, too!)

I thinked about this.

If you really don't like "template texture" for creatures...

Then, as White Dragon for "colour dragons", a Silver Dragon should be a "living" great template for every custom "metal dragons". :)


Can we hope about these two "base" dragons in future patchs? :)



Yeah. Will we PLEASE keep the option of our current camera? Maybe it's because I'm not a World of Warcraft tool like so many people who claim to be roleplayers ... but I find the current top down mode to be perfect for anything I want to do ingame, in fact the camera is about one of the few things I like unconditionally in their current state.


Of course I think adding more options is always great. But if it's completely tossed out ... bleh :ermm:



"In Character Mode, the camera follows behind and over the shoulder of the currently controlled character. "


Sounds great. Hopefully you will be able to move around and keep the ceiling visible while indoors/underground. This will greatly improve the immersion factor for me.

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