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NWN2 News June 27th, 2007

Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update

June 27, 2007


So this week, we get another peek into one of the new playable races in the Mask of the Betrayer expansion, some great custom prefabs to make your modules more interesting and easier to implement, a couple screen shots from Rogue Dao Studios' Purgatorio mod and the first Persistent World focus for the Community Update. Enjoy!


Mask of the Betrayer Secrets: Genasi


With Mask of the Betrayer, Genasi will be making their debut. Many people have been wondering exactly what Genasi are. Hopefully I can answer some of that here.


As a playable race, per the FRCS: "Genasi are descended from elemental-related creatures, such as efreet, dao, djinn, jann, and marids, among others. Most of them have had no direct contact with their elemental forebears, but the signs of their heritage are apparent. Genasi take great pride in their distinctive features and abilities.




Air Genasi (pictured above, in concept art)

Air Genasi see themselves as the inheritors of the sky, the wind and the very air of the world. They appear mostly human, with one or two unusual traits reflecting their quasi-elemental nature, such as a light blue color to their skin or hair, a slight breeze in their presence at all times, or flesh that is cool to the touch. Air Genasi have Darkvision and receive bonuses to Dexterity and Intelligence, but they have penalties to their Wisdom and Charisma as well.


Earth Genasi

Earth Genasi are slow to act, ponderous in thought and set in their ways. They appear mostly human, with one or two traits reflecting their quasi-elemental nature, such as earthlike skin, rough facial features or eyes like black pits. Earth Genasi have Darkvision and receive bonuses to Strength and Constitution, but also have penalties to Wisdom and Charisma.


Fire Genasi

Fire Genasi are hot-blooded and quick to anger, proud and unafraid to take action. They appear mostly human, with one or two traits reflecting their quasi-elemental nature, such as skin the color of burnt coal, red hair that waves like flames or eyes that glow when the Genasi is angry. Fire Genasi have Darkvision and receive a bonus to Intelligence and a penalty to Charisma.


Water Genasi

Water Genasi are patient and slow to change, preferring to wear away opposition slowly, but are capable of great violence in extreme situations. They appear mostly human, with one or two traits reflecting their quasi-elemental nature, such as lightly-scaled skin, clammy flesh, blue-green skin or hair or hair that waves as if underwater. Water Genasi have Darkvision and receive a bonus to Constitution and a penalty to Charisma.



Community Content


Gortan's Magical Fountains



Gortan's Magical Fountains is the first installment of the Gortan


Recommended Comments



Awesome Purgatorio !!

Alvin Nelson


Both Purgatorio and The Frontier look pretty good. If i only had more time to play them...



Purgatorio. me Axe can't wait for some chopping!



Once again, great Community Update, Rob. Thx. :)


EDIT: Will Genasi be able to have appearance features such as "red hair that waves like flames"? Will it be one hair style that "waves like flames"? Or would such a feature be applied to any hair style?



Rather than 'waving like flames', Obsidian seems to be setting their hair literally ablaze.


Anyway, I love the concept art, Rob. I don't understand what was happening in that nasty thread on the BioWare forums.

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