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Feargus interview//shadowrun

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so, it seems like a foregone conclusion that shadowrun is a great modern//urban RPG that many devs draw inspiratu from. i also really dig shadowrun.


but i have to ask Feargus as well as the whole team @ obsidian and any fellow forumites reading this, does anyone have ANY love for Earthdawn?!?!?


i guess it goes without saying i'm a HUGE fan of ED. it was also a FASA tabeltop RPG. before D&D came out with 3.0 and 3.5 i had many different issues with the 2nd ed rulesets. so when i spotted the Earthdawn campaign setting hardback in my local Walden's (lol, remember that old place fellow 70's/80's kids) i was instantly in love.


the little intro had a lot of heart explaining the melancholy troll named Lorm, a sort of introduction to the game setting. and once I saw the art of Jeff Laubenstien it completely captivated me.


they found a way to explain everything about the game world. there was such a deep reason for everything in the game. magic was explained in such a deep, philosophical way, and the sentient beings of Barsaive had such a spiritual outlook on art because it showed they weren't affected by the beasts known as Horrors, who were born from another dimension and stole the sanity of the citizens as well as terrorized the world for many years.


and this leads into another really interesting aspect of Earthdawn. the setting takes place after a huge extra-planar attack of these Horrors known as the scourge, basically making it a high fantasy post apocalyptic world!!!


i could go on and on, but i will stop here and hope that maybe those of you who also have a love of this world will share in some stories and those who have not, might decide to look it up and find something new and beautiful.


cheers- the robut who loves flowers.

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Earthdawn haha i remember it, I still remember the day when me and friend of mine both made some kind of rogueish characters that could use polearms. Well the important thing is you could backstab with polearms in earthdawn, combine it with min/maxed characters its comletly game breaking. Of course our dungeon master was new to the system but good times :D

Edited by Mayama
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