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Hey Unfortunately that wasn't the issue I was referring too. I'm aware you get dialog after freeing Remero, the problem is nothing occurs after killing Malnaj. She and her crew drop generic random loot and then you are left standing on the boat having to click the return to world map button to leave the encounter. If you do try to talk to Serafen at that point all you get is his generic 'hey cap' greeting. As I said I dug around the stringtable files for dialog that would fit into this encounter and was unable to find any, so I'm currently hoping the bug is that the relevant file is missing as the alternative is this is working as intended which feels a bit weird given how significant Malnaj was to Serafen. She tortured and tormented him for what sounds like years, her death seems like the real end of his personal quest. Dealing with Remero is definitely the most significant part but Malnaj feels like the final closure and so it would seem to warrant some form of comment from Serafen even if it was just a couple of lines. (I also think Malnaj should have some unique loot but that's a far more trivial issue) As a side since there are 3 different threads regarding this atm (last I saw) would you prefer one to be assigned the primary and all conversation moved to that one for clarity?
I posted this under an old thread for the Sorcerer and a Gentleman bug before I realised that thread was marked as solved so just creating a new topic for it if that's ok (I'd delete the other post but can't see an option too ) So anyway.. Despite the fix mentioned in the 2.0 patch notes this issue seems to persist somewhat. While you can now loot the bodies after the fight they only have generic loot (I assumed Malnaj herself would drop something non-generic). More importantly there is still no conversation, you're left on the boat with the bodies and have to click the go back to the world map button at the top to leave. Although I'm somewhat concerned that this may possibly be 'working as intended' I did a search on the contents of all the conversation files and there doesn't seem to be any dialog anywhere that would go after that fight. So either the bug is they forgot to include the .stringtable file for that dialog or there was never any written. It is an extraordinarily anti-climatic end to a companions quest chain (I know it technically ends after you talk to Remaro but plot wise Malnaj is a significant figure in Serafen's past and the antagonist of his questline, her death would seem to warrant....something. I actually took a break from the game at launch mainly because of this (and a few other quest bugs but this was the big one) and coming back for 2.0 and the new expansion and finding it's basically unchanged is rather frustrating to say the least :/. Playing at launch I knew there'd be a lot of bugs, it happens with every big CRPG, they're complicated games. However the major ones usually get ironed out in the first couple of patches (excluding hotfixes) and I'd definitely consider a main companions quest major
Despite the fix mentioned in the 2.0 patch notes this issue seems to persist somewhat. While you can now loot the bodies after the fight they only have generic loot (I assume Malnaj herself would drop something non-generic). More importantly there is still no conversation, you're left on the boat with the bodies and have to click the go back to the world map button at the top to leave. Although I'm somewhat concerned that this may possibly be 'working as intended' I did a search on the contents of all the conversation files and there doesn't seem to be any dialog anywhere that would go after that fight. So either the bug is they forgot to include the .stringtable file for that dialog or there was never any written. It is an extraordinarily anti-climatic end to a companions quest chain (I know it technically ends after you talk to Remaro but plot wise Malnaj is a significant figure in Serafen's past and the antagonist of his questline, her death would seem to warrant....something. I actually took a break from the game at launch mainly because of this (and a few other quest bugs but this was the big one) and coming back for 2.0 and the new expansion and finding it's basically unchanged is rather frustrating to say the least :/. Playing at launch I knew there'd be a lot of bugs, it happens with every big crpg, they're complicated games. However the major ones usually get ironed out in the first couple of patches (excluding hotfixes) and I'd definitely consider a main companions quest major *edit* ergh didn't realise I posted in a thread marked 'answered' not sure if I should repost this as a new thread or just leave it and hope it gets noticed regardless :/
I'm fairly sure the bug involved in this one is simply a UI bug not a mechanics one. I've been using The Scepter of Wael as a main weapon for quite a while in my campaign and despite the 0% chance it procs plenty. Hell in the first battle I used it in it proc'd at least twice (it's easy to miss certain proc's so could have been more). Just a tip for anyone using that, the random illusions it proc's include AoE's and will hit party members if the original ability does. So it's very Wael , personally I kinda love it . Certainly a better positive negative trade than my suicidal psychic 'wild mage' Also great thread Might contribute some I've run into if that's ok? The majority should be easy to confirm especially if you hoard saves like I do Gameplay Not sure if this is intentional or not but it seems weirdly arbitrary and unclear if it is. You lose all your rested food/inn/'other' buffs when you search a location for loot. I know a lot of time can pass while searching (although sometimes it's just a single 2 hour search and done) but given you can travel literally for days/weeks and keep your buffs normally... Like I said it seems arbitrary so bug? Somehow my entire party has got the pet Mirri's 10% of crits converted to hits buff permanently, She's unequipped and has been for dozens of hours and I also get my current pets buff on top of it. I'm not certain what's causing it except maybe swapping party members in and out or the buffs being active when you recruit the characters as Tekehu, Maia and Pallegina who aren't in my active party all have another permanent pet buff on top of the previous one (which would also match the pet I was using when I recruited them). I know this maybe difficult to confirm so may not make your list but still thought it worth mentioning here Combat Again not sure if this is a bug or intended but while weapons don't add their accuracy (understandably) to spell casting, shields do add their penalty to it. Occasionally AoE's seem to re-target themselves, I believe it happens when the caster is moved by another effect but the cast itself isn't interrupted (or they are still waiting for recovery to finish) I've got to assume this is a bug as it generally seems to target the nearest enemy or similar to cast which usually means bombing your front line with a fireball Items Equipment effects seem to appear in the character stats screen arbitrarily, this along with some not working as intended can make it very hard to determine if an item is broken or not. Example being Serafen's Cipher's Shackle, the 'Shattered Chains' effect does not display in the character screen and seems to only have a chance of proccing. I had to lob several spells at poor Serafen while watching the combat log to make sure he was getting any benefit from it at all (he was, it definitely works) Thundercrack Pistol's 'Charged Field' upgrade states any ally or enemy within it's aura with a shield or wearing medium armour or higher will receive a 15% penalty to action speed and -5 melee accuracy.. First, this does not affect allies and second it's listed as a beneficial effect on enemies (it definitely penalises their accuracy, not sure about their action speed as that's slightly harder to check) If anyone other than the main character has Modwyr equipped and you go to the ship deck (as in wander around by yourself with no party members) you lose the ability to talk to Modwyr permanently. This ones rather frustrating when an unexpected event happens at sea that ends with you back on the ship rather than world map . Quests The last part of Serafens quest 'A Sorcerer and a Gentleman' seems to be completely broken for everyone (this is an acknowledged bug though, not sure if you are adding those or not?) Cornett's Call P.S. A quality of life one I'd personally love to see is all effects put back in the character screen along with suppressed flags, especially now that suppression seems to have far less clear rules than it did in the past. Also with armoured grace you may have already seen this but the full explanation for it is in the attack speed mechanics thread over here https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98679-mechanics-attack-speed-recovery-time-reload-time P.P.S thank you soooo much for the heads up on crew experience limitations, I was literally just about to set off on a bounty spree to try and get a lvl 4 helmsmen which wouldn't have worked so well without knowing that
It really makes no sense getting nothing from that encounter whether you imported or not so I'm definitely guessing bug there. The import issue stands separately though too. Either I made basically all the wrong choices for an imported game or it's broken in ways that pass without notice (ie triggers where you should gain abilities back not going off), as I've read about multiple buffs from previous choices that are definitely in but received none. I tried installing the unity console mod and digging through the grantable abilities there but since there are a ton of them and the search requires the correct characters (ie: Edér not Eder), not to mention ones that have carried over will be under a different name, it's pretty hard to find them ... I did run across a bonus int passive I hoped was the carried over version of mental prowess but as I haven't received it yet either it's bugged or it's unrelated. As I said before transparency here would be a huge help, hell at the very least it would give players an option for a manual fix until patches come in via either the ingame console or the unity console mod. *edit* Ok dug around in the files again... If I'm interpreting the legacy history file correctly the only abilities the watcher gets from past decisions are One random aside from digging through those files.... There's a conversationbundle for hasonga with the name 'testacles'...very sadly there doesn't seem to be a dialog file linked to this in the localized section but damn am I curious as to what it's there for...If anyone with a better understanding of the file structure than me could have a poke around and find out I'd be ever so grateful *second edit* There's also one for each Neketaka district..nowhere else though
It's this that I've seen mentioned multiple times and the dialog in that meeting with Eothas itself that makes me think there's another import bug going on. I went through that conversation and he and at the end of it all nothing had changed, no new abilities, not even my standard watcher abilities changes which given all of that seemed....odd I even rushed to the end of the next main quest to see if that would trigger it and still no luck even after . I'd really love if there was some clarity for all of this. I get being circumspect about what carries over and how your choices affect things so the mystery remains but in the same regard when there's major import bugs as well as retcons that mystery quickly becomes whether your game is broken or the bits of your characters past that were significant to you were ignored which is...unfortunate... Bugs are understandable and happen as are retcons when you're dealing with sequels to games with a lot of choice. It's just the lack of information that's somewhat frustrating . Can we please please please get an official answer on which choices carried traits over to make this all nice and simple? Pretty please?
Yeah weapons seem like a no go sadly with the whole punching thing (tested throwing on a weapon with a per day cast and it didn't appear). So it still remains...dubiously useful unless you gear for it which is unfortunate. Although if you do happen to have at least 2 good bound spell items on your character you get a 2 for the price of 1+a distraction . Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
In the meantime one (granted rather cheesy) way to get some use out of them is they seem to get the bound spells of any items you're wearing, or at least the substantial phantom does. This of course turns 'per day' uses into 'per summon'.. Only actual equipment though not quick items Probably best to limit the items you put on your character to squeeze use out of this though since summons that summon summons per combat is....broken *Edit*...Now to find an item with Substantial Phantom as a bound spell and see how many summons you can push out before the engine crashes
Chaoticlusts replied to Dopsim's question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
One thing I did just notice is her breastplate at least covers the correct outcome, not sure what breastplate you'd get if you didn't do her quest but mine says she went against their orders by inventing a new trade agreement. So maaybbee there's some dialog further down the track that varies between the two outcomes? *edit* Just for clarity I am playing with the beta hotfix and applied it before starting my campaign which maybe why my version of her has the correct armour while others seem to have gotten the wrong one -
Chaoticlusts replied to Dopsim's question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I actually made a thread asking if his reputations were a bug. My import didn't carry over correctly, and my Mayor Eder had turned into Night Market Eder. After using a fix to get the correct version of him, I noticed his reputations hadn't changed at all. I found that odd with regard to his stance on Eothas, as I assumed the Mayor version wouldn't be all chummy with him and his followers after the events of the first game. I never got a response to my thread, and it appears his reputation on Eothas stays the same regardless. It's just odd watching him give approval to Xoti about Eothas related things while having the Mayor version, and especially after what Eothas did at the start of the game. But at one point he did pull me aside to express concern about how he didn't like how wrapped up Xoti was in her faith, and that he couldn't respect her. But he says this after approving of other things she had said about her faith, so maybe that's still broken on some level. I'm a bit conflicted on that. I've had some conversations with him that make it sound like despite everything that happened he kept wanting to believe and obviously Eothas rocking up and doing his best Proclaimers impersonation could provide the fuel for him to pretend the things he'd seen didn't mean what they did. There even seemed to be a conversation pointing directly at that last part. I guess one argument could be made that he's pro pro-Eothasians and anti anti-Eothasians (please tell me I'm not the only one that hates them being phrased like that ) for defensive reasons more than anything else, that he doesn't want his already tenuous grip on his faith shaken anymore than it already has been. Still you're right in that it does seem a bit odd, (I have the same ending and the same traits obviously). It's possible the traits are hardcoded and can't be altered based on background. That would explain Edér having anti/pro leaden key traits while Aloth has none since there's no possible way to line those up with his main ending choices. -
Chaoticlusts replied to Dopsim's question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Well in my PoE1 playthrough he went on to become mayor and I only started playing after the beta hotfix came out.. At the very least things seem to be in order there, I'm pretty happy with my Edér Granted it's been a loonnggg time since I played the original campaign and I played it while seriously unwell so it's all a bit fuzzy, so I can't exactly confirm the details (I've run into characters I have zero recollection of from the first campaign ) but the ending part fits! -
Chaoticlusts replied to Dopsim's question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
It does seem like that ending has definitely been retconned out of existence sadly, her dialog is in this file and the opening conversations are basically at the top for those who want to look \pillarsofeternityII_data\exported\localized\en\text\conversations\companions\companion_pallegina_hub.stringtable (open with notepad++ or whatever you happen to use for .txt) There is no mention of Kind Wayfarers and while she does have responses for the various other endings there are only two that go with being exiled, the one mentioned in this thread which says she went on to be a caravan guard (so the never finish her quest ending) and the one where she receives the pardon (so disobey orders but strength the Dyrwooden's) but none the match disobeying while picking one of the other options for the souls (unless I missed one but I'm pretty sure I didn't). So it does seem to be working as intended I think? It is a bit unfortunate that there's not at least a slightly different conversation for what would have to be the most common ending players picked compared to the least common one though -
Cyclopedia bug missing details
Chaoticlusts replied to Chaoticlusts's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Thank you! I must say I do kinda wish they were still in there, think I fall into the 'the more details the better' camp I'd searched for *ages* trying to find something definitive one way or another on it with no luck So thank you again for the clarification ^_^ -
Hey I ran into this issue back playing the main campaign, wasn't sure it was a bug or not until I stumbled across a screenshot that seemed to confirm it was, got distracted by RL and came back to the game with white march 2, I was hoping the issue would be gone but sadly still there Basically I don't have any details under the abilities section for monsters in the bestiary. I've tried reinstalling and playing on two different computers but the problem remained. I've attached two screenshots below the first is what I see in the bestiary and the second is one I found attached to an old bug report that I assume is what it's supposed to look like? (sorry for the weird sized pics the first one uploaded strangely ) Any help or clarification would be greatly appreciated Thanks ^_^
Ok this maybe a stupid question (I blame sleep dep ) but I can't find an answer to it anywhere sooo... Are you supposed to be able to get actual full descriptions of the monsters abilities (Rather than just the name of the ability which is all I see in mine) once you unlock their entries in the bestiary? I wasn't sure and then I stumbled across a picture of an entry where there were actual descriptions beneath them. Is it something you have to unlock (beyond the kill 10ish mobs unlock) or only for specific mobs...Or has my game just bugged out from the start and I never noticed? Thanx ^_^