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battlefield on kotor2?

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is there a chance that a part of kotor2 will involve like, a big battle field swarming with enemies and allies just fighting. like a war of sorts, with explosions and blaster shots everywhere. like a clone war inspired battle. that would be pretty neat

hey, if it existed, it would even make a great minigame!


oh, i think ill make this a list of suggestions by me, why not?


maybe make some of the useless computers on the ebon hawk useful, like that room before the bridge, theres like 10 comps, maybe use them to contact someone from the sith or from the republic. to advance the story so-to-speak


assasination mode on a droid, pleasssssssssssseeee


more clothing options (gloves, boots, pants, shirts, you know.)


a rodian party member, would be cool.


a 'jump button' and a 'crouch button'


more sidequests (like the murder sidequest, duel sidequest, the cool ones)


make the dueling arena on a bunch of planets, along with more duels, and just generic guys in it also, cause hey, theres always new competition, right?

2v2 duels, 3v3 duels, would be good too

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is there a chance that a part of kotor2 will involve like, a big battle field swarming with enemies and allies just fighting. like a war of sorts, with explosions and blaster shots everywhere. like a clone war inspired battle. that would be pretty neat

hey, if it existed, it would even make a great minigame!

Probably not likely, unless they want to dramatically raise the minimum system requirements for the PC version (which is one of the most certain ways to immediately lower sales).


It'd be cool, but all those animations at once would probably cause my somewhat-moldy video card to have a cardiac arrest.

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As far as I know, the engine will not support such a massive amount of models on teh screen. If you are thinking massive armies a la Troy or Lord of the Rings, I do not believe that such a task is possible. Besides, how would something like that fit into the storyline?

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Besides, how would something like that fit into the storyline?

Well, it is Star Wars. The Sith and Republic both, presumably, have massive armies battling across the Galaxy....


That being said, it would be nice, but it ain't gonna happen.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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