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Hello everyone, I love the Pathfinder Adventures game and your digital adaptation as well. I am playing on tablet (model TS-803D, Android 4.2.2) quite often. Despite everything working almost flawlessly, which is amazing for such complex interactions, there are sometimes small bugs that I want to report. Some of them were observed several updates before (just before the launch of the Steam version), but most of them are recent. There are quite a few of them so bear with me, please:

  1. In the Foxglove Manor scenario, the Haunt check to meet Iesha Foxglove starts at +2 instead of +1
  2. In the scenario where you cannot temporarily close the Dam location, I was somehow able to close it upon encountering the Villain in Shimmerglens. I did not try to repeat that.
  3. In one scenario, the Galenmir villain was found by Valeros & Ezren - the "before you act" triggered, dealing Valeros 1d4-1 damage, but then for Ezren the damage roll was 1d4+1. I believe this happened to me also in some other barriers / ogres with similar power, but I am not sure.
  4. You can use Scarlet & Red Cabochon to boost your Combat check (despite it saying non-combat Melee) if you first play a weapon. If you correct this, my Amiri and especially Kyra will need another repeatable combat boost.
  5. In Swallowtail Festival location (scenario 1-1) playing on Legendary and with the wild card summoning Wrathful Sinspawn, I defeated the henchman at this location. The next card I had to defeat to close the location was a monster. Therefore, Wrathful Sinspawn was summoned, but after its defeat, I did not encounter the monster and thus was not able to close the location. Next turn, the monster was on top (unsurprisingly) and its defeat did not close the location (unsurprisingly).
  6. In scenario 1-1 with Seoni at Rusty Dragon, Merisiel at City Gate and Kyra without any weapons or attack spells at Sandpoint Cathedral, Kyra encountered the barrier that makes Ancient Skeletons. Seoni killed its own, then Merisiel, for Kyra I used a blessing to have better chance of defeating the skeleton. After the roll (I won), the skeleton remained "hanging in there", with no control available. OK, so I swapped to the Vault and back (often clears such issues), had to roll again (OK, no worry) and defeated the skeleton. However, the barrier was not removed from the deck (card count was the same) and next turn, guess what. It was still there and the process repeated (this time with Sabretooth tiger) with no change. The same happened then for the third time and forfeited the scenario.
  7. If you defeat the henchman at Sandpoint Cathedral, you cannot draw a blessing from your discard pile as with another monster, instead you go directly to the closing prompt (Yes/No). A bit of nitpicking :). It can stay the same if it poses programming issues as I suspect.
  8. In scenario 1-1 at Legendary (again), if you defeat a villain and he&it escape to another location, you are not dealt 1 fire damage for defeating a goblin monster. Instead, the map appears and then the "damage" animation, but at this moment you do not have a hand visible. So nothing happens.
  9. In scenario 6-1, the reward includes not only a skill feat, but also a card feat. This is in addition to the card feat for completing the whole adventure 6.
  10. In scenario 6-1, when you encounter Silas Vekker, another copy is summoned even if the character is alone on the location. In paper version, there is a statement "each character at this location encounters ...". Your "before you act, each character at this location" should be rephrased and reprogrammed to "before you act, each other character ..." similarly to the Tangletooth. Otherwise, only Lini and Kyra can defeat this henchman twice with no help.
  11. In scenario 6-4, Valeros encountered the Khalib henchman and was dealt 2 force damage (Adamantite armor-reveal + Reveler-discard); then, he had to make a dexterity check (OK, succeeded) and now, out of a blue, 2 more force damage. Usually it is check > force damage (I had to replay this MANY times at Heroic before success), so he somehow dealt damage out-of-turn?
  12. My Ezren (Evoker) has the spell collector feat (both two), so his recharge check for arcane spells lists +13 instead of +9. That is, +4 Int +2 (arcane) + 3 (just 3 recharge feats). So the game seems to think you are acquiring the spells for the first time?
  13. The Most High Ceoptra villain is somewhat bugged when complex operations such as Wand of Enervation happen. Similarly, my Ezren played Lightning bolt and revealed Headband + Robe of runes (total +4 Int). Then, Valeros my surrogate divine caster played Swipe from his three Emerald Codex spells. And now Ezren could reveal the Int supporting items again. Ceoptra was handily defeated.
  14. Karzoug is even more bugged, which is very sad. My Amiri & Lini fought against the Karzoug (Normal, last card in the deck, Amiri encountered him). After the damage part, Amiri discarded Warhammer+3 as attack, with Blessing of Lamashtu (bury) to boot and succeeded the check. No cards remained in her hand. Then I switched to Lini for the second check. She tried to play Force of Wrath > Divine 15 check. No animal at her hand, Favour of Shelyn came to her rescue. The spell was revealed with the dice and I discarded Unity of Milani to add a dice. But the chance-to-defeat was very small as my Divine die was somehow reduced to 1d4 (as if Amiri was making the check). By clicking on Amiri's icon, the Force of Wrath was unequipped from the board and could not be played again. The Vault > back to game trick did return the dice to the pool and spell to the board, but still d4. Ergo: epic fail of A&L.
  15. In the same group and another attack, Lini went for the second check and played Holy Strike (terribly bad idea from her), suceeded in Divine 15 check, but the active player was now Amiri? Amiri with holy strike and d4 as divine die. She failed, obviously, and had to discard several cards for damage that was correctly Lini's. Maybe it is the same bug as 14.

I hope that you will find this list useful for tracking these little bugs once you get to that.

4 answers to this question

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4. You're only cheating yourself if you keep using this. But no one's looking or seems to care so... meh.

7. I believe this is working as intended. The henchmen (for the most part) says to let you close the location if defeated. This is obviously part of the henchmen's power and so the monster's effect is triggered first before the location power can be used.

10. I had to do some research on this and apparently you are right. However there are a few cards in this game that are changed to make it more difficult in this version than on the paper version. Probably vilas sekker is one of them but I don't know, it's only a few cards that are changed and oddly vilas sekker being one of them isn't very likely.

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Switching characters for multiple check banes seems buggy.  When switching to Seoni, for example, often the other character will end up with whatever Spell she played after she auto-recharges it.  (I was waiting to get a screenshot from the next time it happened before posting that one.)


At least she's actually gotten to blast the Monsters, though.

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  On 7/3/2017 at 2:50 AM, aznxknight said:

4. You're only cheating yourself if you keep using this. But no one's looking or seems to care so... meh.

7. I believe this is working as intended. The henchmen (for the most part) says to let you close the location if defeated. This is obviously part of the henchmen's power and so the monster's effect is triggered first before the location power can be used.

4. Yeah, I know. The item is useful for those Locked doors and other stuff you have to bash your way through using weapons. But the temptation to use it to survive some battles is soooo great :) (in Kyra's case almost any melee combat). But I will try to be better person and not to cheat. ;) But I admit, once or twice I shamefully used the ability to use Sihedron Ring repeatedly to survive some AD6 villain's power (fixed in some previous update).

7. It can be understood that way, but I am not really sure of stacking triggers (like in Magic the Gathering) - Henchman says "if defeated, close location" and location says "if <monster> defeated, draw blessing". In which order should these be taken? This option may be restricted due to coding of the game and the fact that it is voluntary, but before the compulsory prompt "Close the location?". I am fine with both interpretations, but wanted to be comprehensive

To be clear, if you choose not to close the location, you may draw a blessing.

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Some updates:

4. Very surprisingly, it seems you can also use the Scarlet and Green Cabochon for Holy Light. Steps to reproduce - in any fight with Combat (no Siren or Satyr) discard Holy Light and voila, you can reveal the Cabochon to add 1d10 despite the check being Divine and not Melee.

5. When the Wrathful Sinspawn-spawning wildcard is active, even the temporary closing sequence in the Swallowtail Festival behaves incorrectly when the top card of the deck is a monster. After encountering Ripnugget the game prompts for a Close this location? If the top card of the deck is a monster, Wrathful Sinspawn is summoned. If you defeat it, the location becomes temporarily closed and the original monster remains on top. In addition, it will be hanging out in the area near the deck until someone draws a card from this deck.

16. Another bug in the Attack on Sandpoint (1-1) - when closing the Town Square involving Wand of Minor Healing, you are forced to recharge a card and now have an option to draw/not draw a card. I hit (I think) draw a card with Seoni and then clicked on the red double arrow to end the turn. Seoni drew cards up to her hands, including the Wand and her turn did not end - I was able to use the wand and then end the turn again, drawing one card (up to Seoni's hand limit). Just a minor bug in the closing logic of this location.

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