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Black Tower - Legendary Difficulty Movement restrictions


Posted (edited)

I played AD4, Scenario 3 (The Black Tower) on Legendary difficulty last night with 2 characters, Kyra and Merisiel.  When starting the game, 3 of the locations were connected (to allow movement between them) but one was not. I started Kyra at that single location, but when she encountered the Harpy henchman there, Merisiel was forced to move there. Neither character was able to move to any other location, and I had to forfeit the scenario.


Edit: Here is a screenshot when choosing starting locations:


Edited by mjkoopman

3 answers to this question

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Wow! Is that a new Legendary feature of AP4? You have to assign a character to a location from which they cannot move? That's all kinds of broken, completely Nerfs Amiri (it's unusual to target a character with a penalty) and means some character combos are just impractical. I hope that's not what is intended!

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My guess is that the single location is connected to another location that only appears when playing with more players, but I've haven't gotten far enough with a bigger party to check. So its probably only a bug with small (maybe only 2 character-) parties.


I might have been able to force my way through it anyways, if it wasn't for those harpies forcing you to move.  I doubt I have enough blessings to close 3 locations with one character while also making sure that one character stays in the single location and the other character in the other locations. :)

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Update:  Apparently it is still beatable!


I started with Kyra in the single location, and Merisiel in one of the others. I closed Kyra's location as fast as possible and boosted Merisiel's Wisdom check enough to avoid her moving there.  After it was closed, Kyra sat around for a couple of turns until Merisiel encountered a Harpy, and then Kyra 'failed' her Wisdom roll so she could be forced out of her location. After that, I could work on the remaining locations like normal.

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