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When missing an armour card, I was allowed to pick anything, even Magic Half-plate.

Not limited to just basic cards.

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When missing an armour card, I was allowed to pick anything, even Magic Half-plate.

Not limited to just basic cards.

If you're playing AD3  when you're short on cards you should be given access to ANY card with AD# = (AD3 (your current AD)  - 2). Magic Half-Plate is AD1 if I'm not mistaken, so yeas, you should have ready access to it.

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Still an issue but a different issue.

The problem I realize is that while I'm going through Lost Coast again with a new party, I've already completed AD3 with my first Party.

The game is recognizing that I should have access to elite armour, but I don't want it to.

I'm running a new party. I want to do it all again, but on Heroic level. 

So, It's not quite a bug, but an option I would like to have to keep the level limit for new cards to add to my deck.

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