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I am new on this forum and love this game! My favourite class is probably the Wizard, some of his spells are almost gamebreaking, but you need to use resources well.

Anyway, my question. Is there a way to reset some location to get monsters back with console commands? Or is there some way just to respawn mosnters? Sometimes I find myslef in a point that I would like to test someting,, or jsut fight fo fun for a while, without progressing game too much.

Posted (edited)

Don't know if there's a command to simply rest a whole map, but you can span encounters with the console with encounterSpawn <id>:



EncounterSpawn id -- the IDs can be found using the GameObject Browser (console command: tt ). You go up the heirarchy until you're at the top, then go into 2_Design_Area_Encounters and there you will have your IDs. Sometimes the devs don't put the encounters into 2_Design_Area_Encounters and they just hang at the top of the heirarchy along with other gameobjects, but can easily be identified, because they start with "ENC_".

Edit: I can't remember if this requires IEmod. I didn't use those special commands in a while. I can't test atm either, sorry.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Another option is to create a branching save right before an encounter you find interesting (I had one before the double druids on EP Level 3). Name it "testing" or something and go to town with the console. You can create characters, add levels, create equipment and then just reload to try the encounter again. It really helped me get a feel for how the classes work at various levels.

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