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I've been playing the game for a week now and just hit my first show stopping bug. I've completed the first two missions in Burnt Offerings and just started Trouble at Sandpoint. Regardless of what I do now--any number of characters, any locations, and now even going back to any earlier scenarios (e.g. Local Heroes, or even the original scenarios in Perils of the Lost Coast--I encounter this bug, which renders the game unplayable.


The first exploration card is always the villain Elyrium . The cut screen opens and shows a blank card with flames around it, and then there's an infinite loop where she generates a Wrathful Sinspawn. Before I can interact with anything, I get the cut screen with the blank card. When I click continue, the process repeats. If I'm quick enough, I can forfeit or quit the game. This now happens with the first encounter at any location in any scenario in any adventure set.


I am on an iPad 4, os 9.3.2. The game logs in fine to Game Center and the store. I purchased the Rise of the Runelords bundle. Pass and play and permadeath are both off. I tried this same scenario with two, three, and four characters a total of 4-5 times before the bug began. I've killed the app and restarted the device to no avail.




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I've been playing the game for a week now and just hit my first show stopping bug. I've completed the first two missions in Burnt Offerings and just started Trouble at Sandpoint. Regardless of what I do now--any number of characters, any locations, and now even going back to any earlier scenarios (e.g. Local Heroes, or even the original scenarios in Perils of the Lost Coast--I encounter this bug, which renders the game unplayable.
The first exploration card is always the villain Elyrium . The cut screen opens and shows a blank card with flames around it, and then there's an infinite loop where she generates a Wrathful Sinspawn. Before I can interact with anything, I get the cut screen with the blank card. When I click continue, the process repeats. If I'm quick enough, I can forfeit or quit the game. This now happens with the first encounter at any location in any scenario in any adventure set.


Hello thergenrader,


Thanks for the report!  We're looking into the issue to see if we can reproduce it.  I do have some questions - when you say that it now occurs with the first encounter at any location in any scenario - is this using the same party, or does it also occur with new ones?  If it's just with the same party, you can delete the party and reform it with your experienced characters to resume where you hit the bug, and you should be able to avoid it.  If it's with all parties, that's a bigger issue.  In that case, could you PM me your playfab id?  You can find it under Settings on the main screen. :)


Additional questions:

  1. Did you play in quest mode prior to encountering this bug? 
  2. What locations are your other characters at?
  3. Did you happen to exit the game at the start of Trouble in Sandpoint prior to encountering the issue?  If so, at what point? (Location select, villain encounter, etc).  Did you exit via quit game or by force closing the app
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At the time, no matter what I did, every scenario would start with Elyrium as the first encounter. Often (but not always) the card would stay superimposed over all the screens, including the party formation and card choice screens, the map, etc.




I was playing in Story mode. Changing the party members, or changing locations didn't fix it. Even going back to the earlier scenarios in Perils, it still happened, even though Elyrium isn't the villain in those scenarios.


I restarted Story mode and now the problem is gone, but not solved. I'm not back to Trouble at Sandpoint yet so I don't know if it will happen again yet.


I dont remember if I exited the app while playing that scenario, unfortunately. I do know that I'd played it and failed several times before with different characters in my party before this bug. I'd also encountered Elyrium in those scenarios too and didn't have the bug either. In fact, she killed the last member of my party and I started the scenario again. The first card at the first location was Elyrium, but then this looping bug occurred.

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