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Stuck on a serious crash issue.


Playing Quest Mode, completed scenario - heroes of differing levels. Ezren has levelled and gained a card, Seelah has levelled and gained an item. Click continue.


I can select Ezren and his card appears okay. 


Click continue...


Seelah's card appears and then shoots up off screen, so it is no longer visible. I can't click on the settings tab or the continue, as both are ghosted out. The exclamation is still over Seelah's head. There is no card to click on so I am stuck.


I restarted app - also switched off effects to see if that makes a difference. But everytime I go back into Quest Mode it goes to the victory screen again, and I am once again stuck with Seelah's card disappearing off the screen. 


Please tell me there is some kind of workaround or patch in progress, because I have put stupid hours into the Quest Mode, and now it is completely inaccessible... 

3 answers to this question

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Use only same level characters at this moment. I am at level 16 in quest mode at this moment and only problem is that iPad owerheating so badly that it hangs on and I have to give it time to cool down, untill I can keep on playing...

There Are some Many problems with different level characters that I would leave that untill we get update that says that that part is fixed.

Also make a zip file From your save files and send it to the developers, so that They can find out why different level characters cause so much problems.

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Yeah, I'd read there were problems with differing level characters, but wasn't sure if fixed. Played a few games with mixed levels and everything working fine, levelling all fine. It was just this one game, and now I can't progress beyond the frozen screen with the missing item card that Seelah should be receiving.


Guess I just need to be patient for a fix... and at least means I can let my iPad have a break and cool down... :( Still sad though and hope this isn't going to cause permanent damage to my progess.

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This bug has been reported in multiple topics (though I haven't seen a Dev response yet).

"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

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