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For some reason, as I have advanced from the base scenarios to RotR, I gained my skill bonuses as expected.

But all of my characters also gained +1 to strength.

While Ezren has been doing pull-ups in between adventures, I don't think it's enough to warrant an extra +1.

6 answers to this question

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I had this happen when I added another character and replayed B-3 and 1-1 in Story mode -- after finishing those I noticed that the characters that had already completed them had a +2 in Strength. Had you added characters and/or replayed B-3 or 1-1 with those characters?

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So there should be a check, if character has done one scenario or not and not include them in the scenario revard screen... So bugged with mixed party. Some other player did report same problem. He did get the game frosed completely later. So tell if you get any after effects of this extra skill adwantage later.


Nimoyfish was the tester. He was playin the quest mode, so that crash may have nothing to do with this extra skill upgrade.

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