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Pale Elf character and what his background could be in Eora

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I understand that there is very little lore about the other parts of Eora but we know that MOST Pale Elves will proably have a background from The White that Wends.  I understand that a Pale Elf could be from Aedyr just like someone with Peruvian heritage could be born in Russia.  It is just much less likely.  I will be rolling a Pale Elf a new play through.. other then the White what are some other likely backgrounds considering Pale Elfs do not migrate often...I was thinking Deadfire Archipelago and The Living Lands.  Both are areas that according to the lore are relatively lawless and many explorers regardless of race have gone to in order to colonize/ make a new living.  thoughts?  Thanks guys!

Have gun will travel.

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I've been trying to come up with something similar myself so I'll be interested in seeing what comes of this thread.


The Deadfire Archipelago would be the the obvious one, since it is where Naasitaq is located and we're told Pale Elves are occasionally found here. The Living Lands is far in the north, whereas I think the White that Wends is in the south, so given their natural disinclination to travel I don't think we'd see many Pale Elves here. Old Vailia is in the south I think, or at least it was "once the crown jewel of the southern seas", so I guess there might be more Pale Elves there.


What I want is to a good in character reason for my Pale Elf to have been from somewhere other than the White that Wends. Part of the problem is we know very little about what Pale Elf culture is like. What are Pale Elf settlements like? What do most Pale Elves do? That sort of thing. We've got good insight into Boreal Dwarfs thanks to Sagani, but nothing about Pale Elves.

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Well, only two relatively common candidates. You're a player character and that already makes you out of the ordinary. The question then remains why are you out of the ordinary.

Correct.  That is what I meant.

Have gun will travel.

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