Every couple of minutes while I'm playing PoE my screen goes black, comes back with bad resolution and than goes black again. This lasts for a couple of seconds and then my computer screen goes back to normal. I can still hear sounds from the game in the same quality when this happens.
I also hear the windows disconnected device sound. This fact led me at first to believe perhaps it was my monitor that was disconnecting. But this only happens when I'm playing Poe....
Every couple of minutes while I'm playing PoE my screen goes black, comes back with bad resolution and than goes black again. This lasts for a couple of seconds and then my computer screen goes back to normal. I can still hear sounds from the game in the same quality when this happens.
I also hear the windows disconnected device sound. This fact led me at first to believe perhaps it was my monitor that was disconnecting. But this only happens when I'm playing Poe....
DxDiag info.txt
output_log PoE.txt
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