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Conceptual Question: Slashing Damage vs Heavy Armor

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When I damage a opponent wearing plate or mail armor with a sabre, what is happening in terms of real life physics? Am I striking with such force and precision that I actually cut through the armor? Am I applying an improvised bludgeoning effect through the force of my blow?


I just think it's funny my offensive sabre fighter can do respectable damage to mailed opponents, due to the raw damage they put out. I guess with high might, skill and a high quality weapon, I'm possibly cutting though plate??

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If you've ever been hit while wearing armor, you know that it 1) still hurts and 2) does damage. Even if the armor you're wearing protects well against the damage type you're still going to wear down over time.

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I guess I just see sabres as an especially poor weapon for attacking mail, because they only slash and are relatively lightweight. However, they are just as good or better than stilettos against plate due to the raw damage.


I suppose I was wondering if anyone has seen firsthand how destructive a sabre or equivalent can be (like maybe someone has been to a medieval/historical festival and seen a demonstration). If they are destructive even against armor then the game still makes sense and I like the game to make sense.


My only experience with combat would be a bit of boxing and kickboxing. I remember that blocking with just my forearms was super effective, so perhaps I see armor and shields as more effective than they are. Steel on steel should be close to flesh on flesh though eh.

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Aha! I did some more research and it looks like what we are calling a "sabre" in game is actually more of a falchion. The sabre was a weapon made for use on horseback, while the curved sword used by foot soldiers was the falchion, and it was designed for devastating chopping force and penetration. It could cut through mail, or damage plate armor and injure the wearer. It all makes more sense now.

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My mind is a bit burned to make a coherent post so i'll just drop some facts:


* Axes and sometimes Longswords wielded by strong men were able to cut though plates or mail with a lucky hit however when facing people with armor maces and polearms were the weapon of choice.

* Longsword wielders usually used haldsword fighting when facing men in armor, that means they used techniques that favored thrusts and pomel hits than slashes.

* Sabers started being issued to armies in a time plate was no longer used by footmen because they are actually better at slashing than longswords.

* It's really hard to put enough force in a stiletto to pierce a plate armor and even if you do the padding worn underneath will probably absorb the rest of the force, it was usually used as a weapon for killing a gravely wounded opponent hence the italian name for it "misericordia" (It means mercy).

* This is a fantasy game, not a realistic simulation.

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