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Game crashed while traveling




My game crashed on the first steps of the adventure, in the loading screen that appears when I travel for the first time to Gilded Vale.







I'll be waiting for your answer, I bought  this game yesterday and i really want to play it for so long. 




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A very, very common problem, especially on 32-bit systems (is that what you're running, incidentially?).


Just keep trying, you'll be able to make the transition in the end. Try travelling from Valewood and back to the ruins you came from and then try going to Gilded Vale from there. Aslo, exit the game, restart your computer and load the game up again. This often helps you get to where you're going.


Just be aware that this will happen a lot. Always, ALWAYS make a save game before exiting any map.

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Hey guys, 

If your running on a 32-bit system, check out this recent blog post we made: https://forums.obsidian.net/blog/7/entry-182-windows-32-bit-crashing-occasionally-or-on-specific-area-transitions/

It may help you with this issue.

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Got a bug :cat:?? Help us squish it!

  • In your report Include your *save file* (C:\Users\YourNameHere\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity) and ...
  • PC: *output_log.txt* (In your PillarsOfEternity_Data folder)
  • Mac/Linux: *Player.log* (In your Unity folder)

  • Thank you for your help!

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