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Silver Tide(moon godlike racial) not affected by might, bug or intended?



I created 2 level 11 hierlings (paladins) to compare max might and min might builds for my new playtrough

lay on hands and resurection paladin abilities were as expected higher on might 18 plaadin


but Silver Tide healing was about double(around 80 endurance ws around 40 endurance) on might 3 character (stats  M 3, C 18, D 4, P 18, R 19) than might 18 paladin (dont remember other stats since i just wanted to compare Might effect on paladin powers)

expected behaviour: might enhances Silver Tide as it is healing effect


Will do aditional testing to confirm the bug, and maybe track down the attribute that does affect it, and provide saves and screenshots if needed (exited the game as im not planning to play today since im waiting for some feedback on http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77571-suggestions-for-paladin-main-order-pls/ )

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


12 answers to this question

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If you locate Silver Tide on your character sheet (under Abilities) and click on it, you will see the amount of each activation of the heal.  If you raise or lower your Might and check again you will see that the amount of the heal has changed.  So far in my play the amount of healing shown on that screen has been accurate.

  • 0

If you locate Silver Tide on your character sheet (under Abilities) and click on it, you will see the amount of each activation of the heal.  If you raise or lower your Might and check again you will see that the amount of the heal has changed.  So far in my play the amount of healing shown on that screen has been accurate.

 the amounts i wrote i got from Character sheet. i didnt try raising the might on each character. but im gonna do some more testing right now

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


  • 0
Posted (edited)

My understanding was it healed a flat percentage of Stamina for all allies.


Edit: according to the wiki it is affected by might



Silver Tide is a passive racial ability available to moon godlike. Every encounter, when reduced below 75%, 50%, and 25% Endurance, moon godlike generate waves of healing moonlight that restore Endurance to them and their allies. Modified by Might healing, eg 19 might = 27% = 12.7 at level 1 and 54.6 at level 12.



Edited by Bhazor
  • 0
Posted (edited)

ok 4 paladin characters with different con and might attributes (other atributes are the same on 4 of them, 5th has *M 3, C 19, D 4, P 18, I 16, R 18)


level 1:

1: might 3, con 11 =7,9 end

2: might 18, con 11= 12.4 end
3: might 3, con 19= 7,9 end
4. might 18, con 18= 12.4 end

5. * = 7,9 end


level 11:

1: might 3, con 11 =31.6 end

2: might 18, con 11= 49.6 end
3: might 3, con 19= 31.6 end
4. might 18, con 18= 49.6 end

5. *=86.9 end
5 + bracers of all consuming rage =93.5 end


so on first level everything is as expected, might characters restore more endurance with silver tide

howewer on 11 level, build number 5  restores waaay more endurance than other builds indicating that during leveling perception inteligence or resolve enhance silver tide




(will recreate the bug and update the output log if neccesary, but unsure at what moment should i close the game so the log woud catch needed info)


Edited by Khalid the bear

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


  • 0
Posted (edited)

killed 1-4 paladins so i can test further with 5. and  create more and noticed combat log showing way bigger amounts of endurance during Silver tide ( around 300 for 1 and 3, 508.5 for 2 and 4, 943.3 from number 5)


level 1 paladin number 6 (same as number 5 except resolve 10 instead of 18) silver tide = 31.6 end

char number 7 was barbarian  with the same atributes as Paladin number 5 (M 3, C 19, D 4, P 18, I 16, R 18) and his silver tide= 31.6 end

conclusion: it is Resolve on Paladins (maybe some other classes, further testing needed) that affects Silver tide besides might, and by much larger amount, (and/or some paladin ability since i wasnt careful about which ones i picked during level uping)

and combat log shows about 10x amount of endurance shown on character sheet

(not sure what amount it actualy heals as the killing part of the test was done by attacking a party member  with the rest of the party so no one else was healed, but the attacked character wasnt healed by that amount, then again combat log doesnt show Silver Tide effect for the Character whose Silver tide activates, only effect on other party members)

Edited by Khalid the bear

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


  • 0
Posted (edited)

further testing made paladin , char number 8, with same stats (M 3, C 19, D 4, P 18, I 16, R 18)
without taking any class talents, and with taking different class abilities) and he had the normal amount for his Silver tide (31.6 endurance)

Char number 9, same Class Abilities and Talents as number 5*, samee Atributes except Resoulution (M 3, C 19, D 4, P 18, I 16, R 10) Silver tide = 31.6
Char number 10 same Class Abilities and Talents as number 5 and 9, samee Atributes except Resoulution (M 3, C 19, D 4, P 18, I 16, R 3) Silver tide =31.6 (so negative Resolution doesnt affect the bug)

so its one of the following that affects the bug in combination with above average Resolution:

*Class abilities: Hastening Exhortation, lay on hands, Reviving Exhortation, Rightous Soul, sworn enemy, Zealous endurance(probably not Zealos Endurance since im sure i didnt have it on one character that wasnt part of the testing but was affected by the bug)
*Class Talents: The black Path, Deep Faith, Greater lay on hands(lay on hands probably not since 1 level chars arent affected)

Further testing needed to pinpoint the ability, but im worn out for now

*** All testing was done at level 1 and 11 with Bleak Walkers Paladins and a barbarian

Edited by Khalid the bear

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


  • 0

was my bet for the possible cultprit. first thing i plan to try in my next testing

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


  • 0
Posted (edited)

Upon further testing i havent been able to reproduce the bug (i tried up to character 18, several of wich had same atributes,abilities and talents as character 5) so the bug happened only twice on character '0' (the one because of which i made this topic) and character 5
bug doesnt persist after loading (so my save is useless)

but this happened (char 11 screenshot-323.8 endurance on silver tide):




and also the combat log bug  screenshot:


completly confused now. probably a small anomaly bug. since it seems not to persist when reloading and its hard/rare to replicate then it probbably shouldnt be high on priorities



Edited by Khalid the bear

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


  • 0

That is pretty remarkable.  Maybe some kind of (memory-resident) database corruption.  I have seen some odd things happen that go away after relaunching the game.

  • 0

patient zero, character number 5 and the screenshot of number 11 are all from different launches

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


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