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Hi, wondering if my mac will run this game. It's a macbook pro 2.4 GHz intel core 2 duo - 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 - the 320m card. mid 2010 computer. From what I've been able to find it doesn't sound like it will. Although I did download Divinity awhile back and it did run that. I didn't make it very far through the game though due to being busy, but played it at least a few hours in ok.  Thanks


Yeah that sounds a bit... borderline. I've tried it on a MacBook Pro with 2.9 GHz Core i7 and Intel HD Graphics 4000, and it runs great at medium/low settings on the built-in monitor. On a large external monitor at full rez... not so much.

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thanks for the response. I figure it will have to be on low-mid settings, but I'd hate to spend the money and not be able to play it. 


I'm running it OK-ish at medium-low settings on a late 2012 Retina Macbook (2.5GHz Core i5 with Intel HD 4000 graphics 768MB). It runs fine outside of heavy combat, where lots of spell effects, etc. can turn it into a slideshow.


I am running it fine on a mac mini mid 2011 with the amd 6630m (I think). I did not meet the min requirements and have been fine so far. 

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