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[BUG] v278 Unfound Hidden Objects still make cursor change





In the mill as well as the tannery, i moved my cursor over the areas where I knew there was a hidden object. Even though I hadn't actually detected them, the cursor changed from the movement cursor to the gauntlet, indicating there was something there. I couldn't actually access the hidden object's inventory until I detected it though.




1) Enter any area where you know there's a hidden object, but do not enter Stealth/Detect mode.

2) Run your cursor over the area where the hidden object is located. The cursor will change to a gauntlet.




I would expect that the cursor would either remain as a movement cursor or the red circle/slash when you mouse over the object if you haven't detected it yet. Otherwise, it's a big giveaway that there's something there, which the player could find accidentally, and this would be a metagame issue.


Alas, I didn't think to take a screenie of the issue.

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