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Major Bug for O Canada and performance issues



Hi South park fans,


Hoping anyone could shed some light as nothing has been posted by the devs for a while on this. The cut scene wont activiate to get permission to fight the dire bears so am stuck. I tried all my recent check points but didnt find out about the glitch until i had trolled for a while. I have a save file but its like 6 hours back and personally dont want to play again if the same issue is to occur.


Plus, generally the performance issues seem to be getting worse further into the game; stuttering frame rates and battle music completely mute.

Shame as I was enjoying it, but seems a lot of people have had issues with DD copies on PSN. Can you get a refund from PSN download? as paying 50 quid for a game where I am not at least able to finish it is quite unacceptable.





9 answers to this question

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The developer responds in this thread. Supposedly, they are working on a patch, but it's been over ten days since they've acknowledged the problem. I'm in the same boat as you.

Patches need to go through a certification period after they are complete iirc and even then it takes time to release a patch because they won't put one out for a single issue....they'll fix dozens of issues at a minimum in a patch though hundreds is more common so it'll probably be a month or two before you see them.


I have a disc copy of Stick of Truth on the PS3 and only experienced annoyances, nothing serious or terminal in the five playthroughs it took me to wrap up the platinum. Though I have noticed that in Canada it's easier for the game to get framerate drops though saving, quitting out of the game completely and rebooting it solved those for me. Beyond that I just had common issues, not all of which were bugs like the difficult button mashing sequences and such.

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The developer responds in this thread. Supposedly, they are working on a patch, but it's been over ten days since they've acknowledged the problem. I'm in the same boat as you.

Patches need to go through a certification period after they are complete iirc and even then it takes time to release a patch because they won't put one out for a single issue....they'll fix dozens of issues at a minimum in a patch though hundreds is more common so it'll probably be a month or two before you see them.


I have a disc copy of Stick of Truth on the PS3 and only experienced annoyances, nothing serious or terminal in the five playthroughs it took me to wrap up the platinum. Though I have noticed that in Canada it's easier for the game to get framerate drops though saving, quitting out of the game completely and rebooting it solved those for me. Beyond that I just had common issues, not all of which were bugs like the difficult button mashing sequences and such.

In the words of cartman ' yar breaking my balls man' 1-2 months.... thats unacceptable to release a game with underlying issues, even people who dont have game hampering bugs, a lot of my friends have felt the frame rates dip randomly (Though saving and rebooting does the trick). I basically paid £50 quid for a broken product. I  want to restart and play again with a different character but imagine playing another 10 hours only for it to glitch again......... not taking the risk for my TV's sake

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This has scuppered me too...

And you are bang on the money, it is unacceptable. It was a great game up until that point but it has been tarnished by this.

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The developer responds in this thread. Supposedly, they are working on a patch, but it's been over ten days since they've acknowledged the problem. I'm in the same boat as you.

Patches need to go through a certification period after they are complete iirc and even then it takes time to release a patch because they won't put one out for a single issue....they'll fix dozens of issues at a minimum in a patch though hundreds is more common so it'll probably be a month or two before you see them.


I have a disc copy of Stick of Truth on the PS3 and only experienced annoyances, nothing serious or terminal in the five playthroughs it took me to wrap up the platinum. Though I have noticed that in Canada it's easier for the game to get framerate drops though saving, quitting out of the game completely and rebooting it solved those for me. Beyond that I just had common issues, not all of which were bugs like the difficult button mashing sequences and such.

In the words of cartman ' yar breaking my balls man' 1-2 months.... thats unacceptable to release a game with underlying issues, even people who dont have game hampering bugs, a lot of my friends have felt the frame rates dip randomly (Though saving and rebooting does the trick). I basically paid £50 quid for a broken product. I  want to restart and play again with a different character but imagine playing another 10 hours only for it to glitch again......... not taking the risk for my TV's sake


I find it surprisingly well polished for a game, all games have some issues......this is normal, expecting a bug free game is not exactly reasonable. As for the patch taking months....that's quite normal and not really under Obsidian's control. The certification process for a finished patch takes weeks and is quite expensive so they really can't be popping patches every other day. The game is definitely worth the wait though.


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It is very easy being reasonable when you don't encounter game breaking bugs, and your assurance of details is good to know, I was unaware of costs and timeframes. However, this many people encountering bugs on all systems is not well polished. As much as I enjoyed it up to that point, the game is broken. If it was any other product you could get your moneyback or get a replacement. Sad to say, but I certainly won't be going near Watchdogs for at least a few months.

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Posted (edited)

It is very easy being reasonable when you don't encounter game breaking bugs, and your assurance of details is good to know, I was unaware of costs and timeframes. However, this many people encountering bugs on all systems is not well polished. As much as I enjoyed it up to that point, the game is broken. If it was any other product you could get your moneyback or get a replacement. Sad to say, but I certainly won't be going near Watchdogs for at least a few months.

You can take it however you like but it's the truth. As for bugs....you can go into the support forums of any recent game and you'll find a similar or larger amount of topics and issues. It's next to impossible to account for all variations and possibilities when it comes to what players can do. Even the best QA in the world won't be able to test every object with every possible interaction in all possible places in the game with all possible companion and enemy and NPC.....etc, etc, etc. The variations are nearly infinite.....it's the freedom and interaction that makes games amazing but occasionally something unpredictable or unforeseen happens and something breaks. It's the nature of the game industry. I've been playing games for a couple of decades now so I certainly know what it feels like to run into a game breaking issue. Not much one can do, either wait for a patch, try to identify the cause and avoid it in a new playthrough or just play again at the risk of running into the same issue. At some point I've done all three of these with some game or another.


For example at the PTA building when you take the conformist protest sign what happens when a player(*cough* me *cough*) is distracted and didn't pay attention and after the cutscene doesn't approach the table and gets instructed to go to the bathroom? Could something break if I just go into the bathroom before Randy says for me to go there? I did that, still carrying the sign in my hands and when I picked up the chinpokomon no pop-up on the screen or noise saying I got it so was it added to my inventory? Not sure I reloaded. What happens if i go to Mr. Mackey and leave the building to do his quest and then do other crazy things and return there who knows when? Does it break something if I'm gone for four hours but not if I'm gone three hours and fifty nine minutes? Game code is complex and really not straight forward. If the case of this scenario I think it had something to do with one of the tutorial actions I was supposed to do with Randy getting bugged, I'm not sure. Eventually I got past but the point stands....it's easy to get angry and frustrated and place blame but expecting a 100% bug free game is not exactly reasonable.


These forums are nearly dead, hardly anyone posts and there are hours and hours inbetween....given how well received this game was and how popular South Park and Obsidian are this game is doing pretty good.

Edited by Darth Trethon


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I totally understand the complexities of coding games, I know how difficult getting a simple poker game to work on the Amstrad cpc 464 was, and a stick man hurdling on the spectrum zx!

I also work as an APQP engineer in a QA dept dealing with seating and safety components in 80% of new build cars, so I also understand the importance of a truly tested design before serial production!

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You both make valid points and I never expect any game to be bug free as someone will always find something. But this game is pretty linear compared to any open world games and a lot of these bugs are from just progressing in the main story. The fact is I paid for a triple A game and shouldn't just be told like the numerous others here with problems 'just wait ..could take a month'.


I appreciate things take time, I actually went to Sony for a refund as ill buy the game again when it works. I had to contact the publisher to get a reference then call Sony again.. who basically tried give me the cold shoulder and said they will call me under 10 days 'Couldn't guarantee a refund' after they make their assessment.


Absolutely sickening ... I should have a right to a refund if something I got does not work. I don't mind waiting a little but if a patch going take over a month then we should all be entitled for refunds

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