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    Win 7, Steam, Digital Download   


    I am now on my fifth play through. In every one so far, either the 'Mouse-Tik' or 'Shoe' Chinpokomon has randomly decided not to be there. This makes it impossible to complete both the, 'Chinpokolypse' and the 'More Popular Than John Lennon' achievements.


    Reloading, and going back to old saves does NOT fix the problem. I read somewhere that this issue was believed to be caused by using the fast warp. So this time through, I didn't warp at all. It still happened. This time it was the shoe again. Is there a way to prevent this? Is there a way to fix it? Can I force it to pop-up somehow? I have saved the check point, and backed it up. It is saved at the tower, where the shoe normally is. This is very irritating!

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