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Obsidian looking for Project Eternity Contract Writer

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Cool! I bet someone is gonna pass out from anticipation waiting to hear back for this gig. Imagine, getting paid to write creatively in the 21st century.


Hey, if it doesn't work out, I live 20 minutes by motorcycle from Irvine. Just sayin'. :geek:  

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It should not matter, but I can tell you from extensive experience that it most definitely does. For the past 8 years or so, I have been working in a large, international collaboration in which people have no choice but to work with others remotely. We have state-of-the-art videoconferencing software as well as special rooms equipped with microphones and cameras. It's certainly possible to work like this, but a group would have to be insane to choose to do so. Videoconferencing is just not the same as being in the same room with someone -- you can get the content across, but the body language is missing, facial expressions are harder to pay attention to (particularly when there are multiple people in a conversation) and the timing is off. We actually take the time, money and effort to have a large fraction of the group meet in person every few months despite the fact that this means transoceanic flights for many of us.

Long story short, "long-distance" work is possible and there are plenty of organizations which make use of it because we have no choice, but no sane company would go out of its way to court it.

Of course, I fully agree, face to face is always the best. That does, however, not exclude the option. The technology exists today in a way it hasn't existed before, and I guess I am also looking into the future of technology where I believe it'll become something (possibly) more common and/or more advanced to allow for it to be more seemless.


If it is sane or not sane for the a company to do so or not... that depends on the individual hired does it not? If the individual is not up to snuff, then it's a big risk. But if it is actual passionate talent that could do PE (or any game really) good regardless whether the person works at the office or in a "long-distance" environment?


Today we have long-distance school, I can study from afar by joining a school which provides me the option to study from home. Is that insane of the school too? School is, after all, a "preparation for working" environment. Long-distance school is harder because all the responsibility is on the individual, but if you perform well you get the same grades as the one who goes to a physical school (or maybe better if you are the passionate kind).


I'm not applying for a job at Obsidian :p I'm just brainstorming ideas, philosophical & technological. I also want PE to be the best it can be, and if the best doesn't exist in Cali for the Contract Writer position, it probably does in some other state or country ;)

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