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Hi all! I'm a big fan of Obsidian and I've been following PE closely since I heard about it on Something Awful. Baldur's Gate and Planescape were a big part of my childhood so I'm really excited for it!


I wrote a ballad in common metre about Project Infinity things during my commute over the past week. It's a story of a warrior who is turned against his party by a powerful Cipher. The place names are all from the map.


I don't sing often but I gave it my best shot. I hope you enjoy it, and best of luck over this last week! Cheers. :)




One morning as I rambled on

The road to Solace Vale

I met a weary traveler

Who told an awful tale


"I come from lands beyond White March

Beneath the eastern skies

Where honest men in times of need

Converse in blood and lies


We heard vague rumor of a tower

Upon the mountain side

'Twas guarded by a secret power

To danger we would ride


We hardly knew what lay ahead

Fell beasts or wizard's fire

We went in search of gold and coin

The path led ever higher


The tower rose above the clouds

A black and twisted sight

Companions whom I traveled with

Held back in dreadful fright


The leaves had turned a darker shade

and death hung in the air

A silence fell across the land

I stepped into the lair


They fell upon me from the dark

Blades flashing all around

Not beasts but men full twenty score

By arcane magic bound


The thralls I fought with flint and steel

With fire brought their end

A godlike foe leapt from the gloom

His fortress to defend


The creature was a sightless thing

A giant in the deep

It asked me 'have you time to take

A quick eternal sleep?'


I floated six feet off the floor

and slipped into a dream

Was swallowed by the cavern whole

Awakened by a scream


Enslaved by nightmares not my own

My rescuers I'd slain

Around my feet lay souls I'd known

Whose hearts I'd cleft in twain


I spied the psion close at hand

In fear it now withdrew

My sword I raised for one last charge

and cleaved its body through


The spell was broken, I was free

My comrades all were lost

To save one life they strove ahead

and paid too high a cost


I let my blade drop to the ground

In sorrow and regret

and will not lift another one

Until I've paid my debt"


Now with a sigh the traveler

looked off into the west

And then at last returning home

At Road's End came to rest

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Now this is the way to step up to the plate and put yourself out there, man! Balls of steel. :Cant's impressed grin as he buys a round icon:

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Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!




If they do a theme song they should get Malukah to sing it. Her version of Skyims 'Dragonborn Comes' is just beautiful

, also the song she wrote for mass effect 'Reignite' is haunting


The shadow in the corner of your eye. The cold steel pressed to your throat.

The beautiful vision that may be your last.

Do not breath, for the Petite Death has your Soul in her hand.


Thanks! I didn't intend this to be a theme song or anything, by the way. I've just been listening to a lot of old English folk music recently and was inpsired to write a ballad exploring some part of the mythology of the universe as a folk singer would do in real life. The whole idea of creating a new universe complete with a complex history and mythology is pretty cool and I'm quite jealous. :)

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