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Party meta-management and info

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By the time Obsidian made IWD2 they really were squeezing every last drop of functionality out of the Infinity Engine. It was like an episode of McGuyver, but without the bouffant haircuts and centre partings.


But, the exercise bore fruit. By having to decant old wine into new bottles, some interesting stuff happened, stuff that we take for granted now but hadn't seen in the IE before. For example, weapon combo slots so you could choose weapon / weapon, weapon / shield configurations.


One of the things I really liked, which was totally cosmetic, was the ability to name my party. I don't know why, but having a cool name for my squadron of adventurers was fun.


So I'd like to see that put into P:E, maybe along with suffixes based on our deeds. For example, the skills based 'achievements' in NWN2 are a good example... what if we were allowed to port that over into our party name?


I know this is completely indulgent, but I think Obsidian are known for gamer-centric touches that are cool... just because they are cool. Hell they are better than 'achievements' in modern games.


So when my party, The Desperate Swords, torch a village or rescue a fair maider (etc) we could choose an achievement suffix, or even have the game award one to us, to reflect how the game world views us.



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