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MonkeyLungs plays the demo ... yeah who the f cares.

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You mean massive underground VERTICAL dungeons?


Explain? I mean just big dungeons. I would prefer a fair amount of highly interactive dungeons but barring lots of interactivity if its just a combat heavy type scene I'll take loads and loads of dungeons full of different creatures and hidden bosses.

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You mean massive underground VERTICAL dungeons?


Explain? I mean just big dungeons. I would prefer a fair amount of highly interactive dungeons but barring lots of interactivity if its just a combat heavy type scene I'll take loads and loads of dungeons full of different creatures and hidden bosses.


I mean dungeons with a good share of staircases, hidden rooms, the whole complex spanning multiple levels under each other, maybe arranged in a pattern that makes it become almost a maze.....


And with the bosses of course. DS1 unfortunately has been lacking with good bosses, the only one relatively interesting was Gom, and he went down quite well. A plenty of puzzles are also welcome.

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