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Chances of KOTOR2 working?

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Hi, I'm a big fan of KOTOR and very interested in finally giving KOTOR 2 a shot, but I've heard so many bad things about it.


My ultimate question is this:


What are the chances it will work on Vista?


Will it work at all and how reliable will it be?


I prefer answers from someone who would know. I understand there are no guarantees, but could someone with experience/knowledge give me an estimated chance of success? What are the odds?


I am willing to try any fixes necessary that would get the game to work. I'm not very knowledgeable on such things, but I have played around with stuff like that in the past. I should be able to follow any directions if they're spelled out to me.


I would be very upset if I spent $20 on a coaster.

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I'd say that, given trends here and my own experience, there is a very good chance that it will either work out of the box or that a few simple tweaks will be all that is needed to make the game run. That said, Windows 7 would be better, but as long as you have decent equipment -id est not an intel gpu as the game seems to hate those- it should run.

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Thank you for your response. I'd like a few more responses to see if there is a consensus.


Here's some basic specs:


Windows Vista 32 bit, Service Pack 2


GeForce 8500 GT


AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core Processor


If there's anything else you need to know just ask.


I have KOTOR on Steam and it runs fine, I just have to run it in performance mode which doesn't bother me.


If it came out on Steam I'd buy KOTOR 2 in a heartbeat. I wish Obsidian/LucasArts would use some of the stuff from the restoration project and release it on Steam, there's a big Star Wars fan following on there. They could try to make it the best KOTOR 2 they can and call it an "enhanced edition" or something like that. They could sell it for about $20 and just everyone who wants it would buy it. I'm sure the fans who did the restoration project would very helpful.

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It works fine on Vista for me. As a matter of fact, it works even better than Kotor 1, which would randomly crash to desktop during combat...


The only major problem Vista user may run into is the game refusing to start after installation. (you would get a error message).

Luckily, there is an easy fix: replace the file mss32.dll in the Kotor 2 folder with the one from Kotor 1... (that is, if you have Kotor 1 installed on your pc. If you don't, you can download it from many sites).


Other than that, the game runs rather smoothely. You may still experience some random crashes here and there (much less than with Kotor 1), so you'd be wise to save your progress regularly).

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Thanks for the responses guys! This is making me feel a lot better about a potential purchase. I hope you're not just blowing smoke.


As for saving, I'm an obsessive compulsive saver. I save all the time just to protect against crashes. The worst is having to redo something tedious, like running from Point A to Point Z.


I can handle random crashes here and there, as long as the game actually installs and runs.

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