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Saving and dialog

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I just got this game and I have been looking through the ini files to see if there is any way of changing the way of changing a few things I find annoying in this game. I can't stand check points and I want it to save where I am when I save the game instead of saving awhile back. I also want to get rid of the auto dialog selection that happens when the timer runs out. (I don't care about fluidity of the conversation and would rather be able to select the response I want then the one it picks for me because I am not fast enough to select it)

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You won't be able to change the entire save system or dialogue system just by fiddling with the ini files, it'll be more complicated than that. if you're lucky there will be something in the files that controls how long the dialogue timer is, or such, but basically those are fairly major changes that you probably can't affect with a couple of lines.

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I thought I might be able to change the save system since I have been able to do that with other games that have a similar save system. I have looked all through the ini files and I found entries for pretty much everything else in the game from weapons to the mini games but I can't find anything to do with the dialog system or save system. (except to change the look of the save system)

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