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Another terrorist attack?!!!????

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I wouldnt say false. But I don't see them as you do either.



"If he's killed by American collaborators/soldiers who were trying to apprehend him, his popularity would probably grow even more."


I agree his popularity would grow. But IMO all effects considered it wouldn't be a bad thing to happen for US motives.


"If he was captured alive and allowed a trial he would use it as a platform to plead his cause to Arabs across the globe."


He has had ample time for this. As well as doing stuff like invading Iraq and our President saying things like 'crusade' do that quite a bit as well, fuel for terrorist recruitment.. I think this is the best scenario.


If he was captured and dumped into Guantanamo Bay, even more people would jump on the "the US is a fascist state" bandwagon."


If we just locked him up with no trial or anything that would imply he has things to say our powers do not want said.. I would see it as a ploy to keep what he has to say thwarted. A bad scenario all around IMO.


Although ya, no matter what, there will be a negative effect, as is with just about anything.

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"If he was captured alive and allowed a trial he would use it as a platform to plead his cause to Arabs across the globe."


  He has had ample time for this.  As well as doing stuff like invading Iraq and our President saying things like 'crusade' do that quite a bit as well, fuel for terrorist recruitment..  I think this is the best scenario.

I certainly agree with you on Bush's crusade statement and the invasion of Iraq, but I don't know if it's the best scenario. Guantanamo seems the worst in my view too.


  Although ya, no matter what, there will be a negative effect, as is with just about anything.

It just seems that the negatives are particularly bad in this case. It would be best if he simply died of natural causes, largely cut off from the rest of the world.

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