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Last of the Jedi?

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I know that the Exile is a Jedi, but what about Atris, Vrook, Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell, Vash, Visas, and Kreia? Well of course 4 of the Jedi Masters eventually get fried, but what about Visas and Atris, or if you train Atton, Mira, Bao-Dur, etc.? Or what if Revan is set to light side, Bastila will appear and she's a Jedi. Is the Exile really last of the Jedi?


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I think a point is made in the game every time you mean any of the Jedi Masters that they have, for whatever reasons, 'left the Jedi Order', whether consciously, or as a result of straying into grey territory or the dark side, in the fall-out of the Mandalorian/Sith Wars. Some of them did so willingly (lik Zez) and others didn't realise they had fallen (like Atris). Visas is a Sith and Kreia has dabbled in both, not taking any sides. Bastilla also has an uneasy relationship with the Jedi Order, having fallen to the Dark Side, so while she did recover (canonically), her experience kept her from fully returning to Jedi status.


As far as I understood the training of NPCs into Jedi and Sith in the KotOR series, I have always understood them as just being trained as LS or DS Force users, rather than a traditional Jedi or Sith. After all, you basically train them on the Ebon Hawk, not in a temple where they would go through formalised tests etc, nor do you get the impression than the training Revan/Exile is giving is the sort they would get in a long-term teaching process. It is also one of the points in the game, where members from your group of NPCs will form the basis of future orders.

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