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More delays in the works

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I know some or many of you may not care but there is a light rumor on the Assassin's Creed II boards showing that it may get delayed. As bad as the developer communication has been here lately (which I applauded in a previous post and now retract) it is much worse with Ubisoft. Forum goers there are concerned that it has not yet "gone gold" while supposedly maintaining the release date in November. The reason I mention this is for the people who might be looking for a stealth alternative to this game which is in some type of unconfirmed limbo. it won't do much for those of you only interested in the RPG elements of AP. I don't get these developers and publishers...not everyone wants to play Modern Warfare 2!

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This is the Alpha Protocol board, so try stick to AP related threads when posting here.


Feel free to this discuss the general subject of game delays in the C&C section of the boards.

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